The Birthkeeper, LLC - Missouri Birth & Creative Services

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The Birthkeeper, LLC - Missouri Birth & Creative Services Danielle Saforek | Filmmaker, Photographer & Doula | Missouri Based | Documenting Birth & Motherhood Hi there!

My name is Danielle and I’m a wife, mother of two, and photographer located in the Mid-Missouri area that specializes in Birth Photography/Videography, Fresh 48 sessions and capturing babies and families in a lifestyle, natural environment. I am all about those precious little details from the soft hair on your little one’s head down to their tiny little toes. I began my journey with Birth Photogr

aphy almost 6 years ago and haven’t stopped since. I have photographed over 150 births now and it is not only my passion but I am a strong advocate for all things pregnancy, birth and postpartum related. I love documenting one of the most life changing times in your life and I will tell you this, its something you will cherish forever and will want to look back on over and over again. I’m dedicated to my birth work and I go on-call with my clients 24/7 the weeks surrounding their due date. I will support you with your wants, needs and fully capture what you would like, being very modest to completely detailed. I capture your unique story, and when you are at home cuddling on that sweet little one of yours looking at those images, you will see so much beauty and see a YOU you've never seen before. A beautiful, powerful, transformed mother in the throes of the most intense pain and love you will ever feel.

It's the last day celebrating World Breastfeeding Week but let's continue to encourage, advocate and support the mothers...

It's the last day celebrating World Breastfeeding Week but let's continue to encourage, advocate and support the mothers in our lives everyday.

I'm sharing three stories today from these mothers in the photos. I hope as you read these words, it will help you relate, feel seen or heard and help you advocate for someone who you know that is on this journey. That is my main purpose for the work that I do and I hope it shows. - Danielle

Order of appearance:

Kit's Words:
"Without a doubt breastfeeding has been simultaneously the absolute hardest and then shockingly, the most simple part of my motherhood journey. I struggled immensely with the deep, dark pit that postpartum can be with my first. He had a severe tongue tie, yet I was told time and time again, by my pediatrician, that I just needed to push through the excruciating pain and it was normal. I felt like such a failure, felt like I was failing my baby and that there was something wrong with me.
In the end, I did the research, found a board certified lactation consultant that listened to me and let me cry to her about it all. After 7 excruciating and exhausting weeks, we got Em’s tie resolved and the second he nursed again it was like a brand new baby nursing.

Now 2 years of feeding my first and 1 year with my second, it’s second nature. I can kick a soccer ball around the yard with the 3 year old while I nurse the baby. But in those deep dark times of my first newborn, I wish I would have known why it is hard for so many women. I wanted to be listened to and to learn about my own situation not just be dismissed and told to give my baby formula if I couldn’t push through the pain. I know there are hundreds of extremely valid reasons people should and need to feed their babies formula and I am thankful that is an option. I just wanted validation and not dismissal.

I think all the time about how lucky I am to have access to a lactation consultant and the health coverage to afford it. I think about the various people in my life who encouraged me to find her and switch pediatricians. I think about how privileged I am to have had maternity leave, so I could even attempt breastfeeding and go to lactation consultations. I think about how fortunate I am to work from home and therefore breastfeed both my babies on demand. That’s an awful lot of “lucky" circumstances just to be able to feed my baby.

There are millions of women without that access, here in this country (over 12.6 million women and girls to be exact). I could go on for days about the ramifications of that lack of access, in the face of increasing restrictions on reproductive health. For today I will stick to the breastfeeding, and how important a dialogue is needed, how access to lactation consultants is needed for everyone, not just those with health care, how badly we need guaranteed paid maternity leave in this country, how much access to groups of women going through the same thing at the same time are needed in a community. Parents and caregivers deserve the time to bond and figure out the challenges of feeding their babies, they deserve a community that acknowledges the struggles and supports them, and at bare minimum they need access to care that not only keeps them healthy but empowers them, so they can be present in raising the next generation. All of that starts with talking about it and voting for people who will advocate for women’s fundamental human rights!"

Words from Ashley:
"When thinking about my breastfeeding journey the words that keep coming to mind are defying the odds. Having a preemie meant many of my birth plans and hopes for the future went out the window. Our daughter was born at 32 weeks gestational age, and latched for the first time at 34 weeks gestational age, as soon as she was taken off of respiratory support. So many things have caused me to question whether I am doing the right thing as a mother (such is the conundrum of parenting, right?) and events like these photos remind me how grateful I am for this bonding time with my girl and just how much we have overcome together."

Words from Marissa:
"I went into labor with the hopes of an unmedicated birth, but after what amounts to quite the story, Aspen ended up getting a sunroof exit via C-section (and on her angel brother's birthday, just to add another layer to the emotions of the day!). Meeting my baby in the OR was absolutely NOT something I planned on or wanted, and I was incredibly sad to not have those sweet, post-birth snuggles with my little rainbow.

All that said, it came as such a relief when Aspen took to breastfeeding! The first week was a bit painful, but we learned how to work with one another quickly. It felt healing that even though we were a rather dysfunctional team on her journey earthside, my body was still capable of nourishing her. I love that she relied solely on me for her first 6 months, and that we've made it over a year (so far) on our breastfeeding journey❤️

While breastfeeding can feel a bit taxing at times (I mean this baby is a milk MONSTER😅), I would trade nothing for those sweet eyes peering up at me, that pudgy little hand holding on tight, and the absolute trust & comfort I'm able to bring her through nursing❤️"

Day 6 of World Breastfeeding Week and this beautiful mama here is a past client of mine. I love the words she wanted to ...

Day 6 of World Breastfeeding Week and this beautiful mama here is a past client of mine. I love the words she wanted to share about her experience breastfeeding both her children.

“My breast-feeding journey started out very traumatic three years ago. I debated whether or not telling this part of my journey, however, I have come to the conclusion that it could lend support and encourage other mothers to give their bodies, a second, third or whatever it may be a chance at breastfeeding.

A month after giving birth and trying so hard to breastfeed I went into septic shock from mastitis. I was in the hospital for a week and a half. I had a drain put in my right breast that was there for almost two months and pretty bad PTSD.

After extensive therapy and support from my husband, family and friends I was in a much better place. I was able to accept the fact that my baby was ok to be formula fed and the most important thing was that I was alive to take care of her.

A year and a half later I was pregnant again. Now you as many others might also think my decision to try breastfeeding again was insane. However I had tremendous support from my midwives discussing what we could try to be successful. Meeting with a lactation consultant before birth and after who along with my husband truly made this all possible. They were the dream team of unconditional support and understanding and trying unconventional methods.

With hard work, perseverance and support I will have very successfully been able to breastfeed my second baby for a whole year on the 14th of this month! Here is the part I think shows the brilliance of a mother’s body, I was able to dry out my right breast and have done it all from my left breast alone. Women remember you are capable of miraculous things!”

The Birthkeeper, LLC - Missouri Birth & Creative Services

Day 5 of World Breastfeeding Week ✨Some beautiful photos and words from this incredible woman and friend of mine about h...

Day 5 of World Breastfeeding Week ✨
Some beautiful photos and words from this incredible woman and friend of mine about her journey breastfeeding her children.

“Over the past 13 years, I have nursed four of my own babies, provided breastmilk for many others and helped thousands of women on their own breast-feeding journeys. I have nursed my babies as newborns and toddlers. I have cried with a painful latch, had broken down ni***es, mastitis, oversupply, under supply. Been overwhelmed with both blissful awe and exhaustion. For me, it has been an experience of mostly joy, and with each pregnancy, I have been anxious that my body might not do what I am asking of it. Some may not understand how significant of a role feeding plays on identity. But how can something I’ve done for thousands of hours, over 13 years not be part of who I am. I am thankful for these moments that are mine, and for the women who have helped me when I needed them.”

The Birthkeeper, LLC - Missouri Birth & Creative Services

Day 4 of World Breastfeeding Week and I wanted to share these words from Andrea and her experience with her breastfeedin...

Day 4 of World Breastfeeding Week and I wanted to share these words from Andrea and her experience with her breastfeeding journey so far. 💜✨

“I’ve been pretty lucky in my breastfeeding journey fortunately. I’m thankful for that since this is my first baby and I honestly had no idea what to expect, but knew I wanted to at least breastfeed for the first year if I could. I love the bond and the time we have together that breastfeeding has given us.

Now I can see how important it is to find your village. I wish I would have looked for resources or groups to find other women on the same journey. I think it would have been amazing to have that kind of support and to be able to ask questions and get insight from others who have been through it. It’s been a learning experience and I can only hope to keep growing through the journey.”

The Birthkeeper, LLC - Missouri Birth & Creative Services

Day 3 of World Breastfeeding Week and I wanted to share these words written by the beautiful mama in these photographs. ...

Day 3 of World Breastfeeding Week and I wanted to share these words written by the beautiful mama in these photographs. Erin talks about her journey with breastfeeding and shared a beautiful poem she wrote called “Milky Way” ✨

My breastfeeding journey started out extremely challenging 10 years ago. I struggled to breastfeed my first baby, and when she was 1 week old, a pediatrician told me to just give up and use formula. I know that breastfeeding doesn’t work out for some people, and that’s okay, but I knew I needed real support. The place I ended up finding the most support on my breastfeeding journey was from other mothers who have successfully done it. Most of them didn’t hold any special titles or have trainings. They learned from life experience, and those mothers probably saved breastfeeding for me.
I managed to breastfeed that first baby for 4 years, including during pregnancy, labor, and tandem nursing with the next baby, who also breastfed for 4 years. Through overcoming numerous obstacles, I reached beyond my breastfeeding goals, and it feels like a huge blessing to be confident now as I nurse my youngest baby.
I can look back on the journey now and see that I have grown to become one of those experienced mothers, and I can give back to other mothers and babies, offering the support that I needed when I was first starting out. Mothers who support each other are the most powerful force on earth, I’m convinced, no matter how we end up feeding our babies.
I want to thank everyone who supports breastfeeding in all the ways that they do, whether they are mothers or not. The fathers, grandparents, welcoming businesses, friends who show up, or strangers with an encouraging word. It all makes a difference.

Milky Way
Our hearts rise and fall
A synchrony of soul
Your eyes close
And mine have never been more open
The softness in me
Holds all of you
Drops of gold splash our hair
And your cheek presses deeply into me
Safely as you dream
Your hand in mine
In a moment without time
Together we inhale, exhale
A dancing galaxy as we breathe here
This very moment is everything.
- Erin Blank

Today starts the first day of   ! I had the lovely opportunity to document these beautiful women and their babies in hon...

Today starts the first day of ! I had the lovely opportunity to document these beautiful women and their babies in honor of them celebrating each day that goes by that they get to nourish their children from their bodies.

The next 6 days I will be posting images from the mothers who also had me document individual images of themselves with their littles during this event. I'm also asking them to share some words from their journey breastfeeding together. So be sure to come back to my page all week!

When I opened up Facebook this morning I also saw this beautiful quote and wanted to share it with you all.

"To the new moms who are still learning, to the ones that are currently in the middle of another growth spurt, to the moms who have overcome struggles, to the moms who are tired, and the ones who couldn't. To the moms without support, to the moms who breastfed for a day or many years. To those who don't but support moms that do." - Moomysmilk

We see you! Happy World Breastfeeding Week!

The Birthkeeper, LLC - Missouri Birth & Creative Services


Making birth films are my absolute favorite. This family hired me as their photographer and videographer to document the arrival of their son in the comfort of their beauitful & loving home. I couldn't adore this family more and I feel like I captured their love for one another in this film.

This story shows birth in all that it is, raw, emotional and . Even in moments where babe needed a little assistance, midwife Dawn made sure he was skin to skin with mom the entire time and talking to her baby.

Some words from mom she wanted to share, "The comfort of home birth far out-ways any minor short term discomfort that a natural birth can have. From the simplicity of being in your own bed to the 6 weeks of in home postpartum care, midwifery is truly a gift I wish more people could expierence."

Congratulations to the Busby family!

- Danielle
The Birthkeeper, LLC - Missouri Birth & Creative Services
Mid-Missouri Birth Photographer & Doula

Midwife: Dawn Finney, Birthroot Midwifery
Assistant Midwife: Katy Miller, Birth Strong Midwifery

I'm on a birth high over here! Not only did I just document and help support this empowered mama in these photos last we...

I'm on a birth high over here! Not only did I just document and help support this empowered mama in these photos last week, I just got home this morning from another birth where a first time mama delivered her sweet baby unmedicated too!

All these sweet babies, amazing women and powerful birth stories! Always grateful to be in these sacred spaces with families.

The Birthkeeper, LLC - Missouri Birth & Creative Services

The most perfect little squish & family! I was invited back into their home to document a lifestyle session after captur...

The most perfect little squish & family! I was invited back into their home to document a lifestyle session after capturing his birth a couple weeks prior to taking these.

I can't wait to finish his birth video where he was born in water and into his mother's arms. He was loved on so much by his precious sisters and I made sure to capture that first moment they met him on film. Can't wait for the family to see!

The Birthkeeper, LLC - Missouri Birth & Creative Services

The most gorgeous little family in Mid-Missouri I tell you! This beauitful mama delivered while I was on vacation so we ...

The most gorgeous little family in Mid-Missouri I tell you! This beauitful mama delivered while I was on vacation so we changed her hospital Fresh 48 session to a short and sweet home session as soon as I got back.

Lately I have been documenting babies with tons of hair and I just have way to much fun swirling their soft & silky locks between my fingers. Calm down ovaries!

The Birthkeeper, LLC - Missouri Birth & Creative Services

I've taken a little break from posting on social media lately while in the middle of a busy summer with my family but th...

I've taken a little break from posting on social media lately while in the middle of a busy summer with my family but that doesn't mean there hasn't been art being made, births documented & help supported!

I have so much to catch you all up on soon but let's start with this beautiful mama who I captured during her pregnancy and she just delivered her son yesterday morning.

Also, if you are attending the World Breastfeeding Week group event July 28th in Columbia, Missouri make sure to have all your mini session payments paid as I will be releasing some and going down the list for those who are waiting for a spot to open. There will also be a reminder email next week with more details on parking etc. so be on the look out for that!

The Birthkeeper, LLC - Missouri Birth & Creative Services

🚨2024 World Breastfeeding Week Event🚨I'm holding this event again for the 8th year in a row on Sunday, July 28thLocation...

🚨2024 World Breastfeeding Week Event🚨

I'm holding this event again for the 8th year in a row on Sunday, July 28th
Location: Columbia, Missouri and will be capturing creekside this year!
Price: Complementary group photo included for all nursing mothers
Time: 6:30PM

This event usually books up fast and this year with the new location and parking situation I'm providing up to 15 spots for mothers and their babies!

I'm also offering mini sessions during the event that will take place right after the group photo is captured. I will have 8 openings for these this year since we are starting a bit earlier this time. Yay! I know last year they sold out quick!

Mini Sessions after the group event are $100 and will include:
- 15 minutes of session time with you and your child
- 5 beautifully hand edited images
- Private gallery to view any additional images you would like to purchase

Please fill out the information on my contact page to reserve your spot! I provided the link below. I will also send out a guide on what to wear for this event and the exact location with address.

I can't wait to document all the beautiful mamas this year! I love how everyone comes together at this event and sometimes leaves with new friends, too! Feel free to share this post with others or on your page. Let's work on getting this village of mothers together to start the first week of August off with photos to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week!

- Danielle

Check out this Daddy Doula! Here he is using my rebozo, applying counter pressure & providing her so much physical/emoti...

Check out this Daddy Doula! Here he is using my rebozo, applying counter pressure & providing her so much physical/emotional support. When I attend prenatal visits I make sure to have the partner there so we can both get hands on with the mother and practice the techniques we will use in this space to help with pain management, helping to bring a more positive birthing experience for them both. When I'm hired for birth support I'm not there to replace the partner at all, I am there to help guide them when needed, to give them jobs to provide comfort, encouragement and physical assistance to their partner and this man did his job well!

Your birth support matters!

Love seeing this and being able to capture these moments in the birth space to share with you all.

- Danielle

This mama roared her baby out! Although these words are from my perspective while documenting her birth, the video I cap...

This mama roared her baby out! Although these words are from my perspective while documenting her birth, the video I captured of her roars gives me goosebumps. I can't wait for you all to hear it! She embraced each wave, intuitively listened to her body and was so focused. Her peaceful and familiar birth space, quick & supportive midwives, a loving husband and most of all an empowered mama all came together to help bring this baby earthside.

As you view these images you will see where baby needed a little assistance right after delivery. Baby had a nuchal hand which means the hand was up by baby's face at the moment of birth. This can sometimes lead to a more difficult pushing period but when I say she roared him out, she did. She listened to her body as it moved to help him navigate down the birth canal. Once out, due to his position you can tell he had quite the bruising all around his head. This bruising will go away after some time but it shows you the force of the mothers body and baby working together when they both knew it needed it.

The midwives never took baby off her chest, they told mama to talk to her baby & stimulate baby as he worked on transitioning into the world. A little more help from the midwives and he took his first big cry which was captured on film. He pinked up so fast and then they both bonded in the water together as he was getting all the extra support from the placenta and being skin to skin with mom.

The postpartum period came with warm food, snuggles and family gathering around welcoming this sweet baby boy. It was such a blessing to be apart of this beautiful birth and get to know the family. I can't wait to share more from his birth and hopefully with some words from her perspective.


What a cute little NICU Grad! I took these photos recently on what would have been her due date. She was born at 32 week...

What a cute little NICU Grad! I took these photos recently on what would have been her due date. She was born at 32 weeks and 2 days gestation and she was only 2 pounds 11 ounces at birth. She is now at 5 pounds 13 ounces and thriving at home with her mom & dad.

Did you have a NICU baby? I would love to hear their story in the comments!


I've always wanted to document motherhood in this way for others, the raw, the intimate, and the honest. Offering postpa...

I've always wanted to document motherhood in this way for others, the raw, the intimate, and the honest. Offering postpartum sessions allows me to create beautiful art for mothers that I wish I had captured for myself.

My goal is to help women document these times that are hard to put into words. I want to capture the light embracing you both, the gentle touches and helping to process whatever need be as your bond skin to skin with one another. I'm capturing moments that might otherwise become blurry with overwhelming emotions and as time goes on.

The transition from self to mother, not only do our bodies go through so much change but our minds do too. Trust me, as someone who had a hard time during my postpartum period after my second was born, I had very little recollection of those early days with her. I choke up even 10 years later thinking of what all that I missed and I want to make sure that it doesn't get lost for you. This period of time is important and deserves acknowledgment.

So for the month of July I will be offering these postpartum sessions at a discounted price. If you wish to bathe with your little one, I will bring herbs and flowers that are in season to add to your bath while you relax and connect with your baby. I hope this post finds you and let's create these beautiful moments forever captured together.


Summer creekside sessions will always be my favorite. Something about the water just heightens my creative mind to creat...

Summer creekside sessions will always be my favorite. Something about the water just heightens my creative mind to create magical moments such as these. ✨

Audra and her beautiful family were stunning. I can’t wait to meet this little one earthside soon!

Also, this will be the location I will use for my World Breastfeeding Event the end of July this year! 😍

- Danielle
The Birthkeeper, LLC - Missouri Birth & Creative Services

~ Payton in Bloom ~Beyond excited for this beautiful mama to bring her little babe into the world. I also have the honor...

~ Payton in Bloom ~
Beyond excited for this beautiful mama to bring her little babe into the world. I also have the honor of being able to document that journey soon!

The Birthkeeper, LLC - Missouri Birth & Creative Services

I know I have people who follow me all over the world, if you captured the lights, post a photo in the comments and tell...

I know I have people who follow me all over the world, if you captured the lights, post a photo in the comments and tell me where you are! 🌌💜✨🌙

What a special treat it was for my girls and I to see the last night here in Mid-Missouri! It was right above our house for a good hour and then it faded away. Dancing across the sky in all it’s beauty while embracing the stars and the moon, it was magical.

I took these with my ancient iPhone 11, when I went back to get my professional camera equipment for a long exposure capture it was all gone.

Some cell phone shots from a birth I attended last night. I’ve had quite a few triage babies the last several months. 😅 ...

Some cell phone shots from a birth I attended last night. I’ve had quite a few triage babies the last several months. 😅 These babies sure have been ready once things start moving along. Let’s just say this mama was at her nephew’s track meet about 6 hours before baby was born. She told me Sunday she didn’t think baby was ever going to come, there were no signs at all. My advice was to relax, gave her ways to boost oxytocin, go on a date with hubby, she scheduled an acupuncture appointment for Monday, more rest and eat delicious food. My intuition was telling me with the storms in the forcast, the barometric pressure changes and acupuncture things would most likely start to show signs that her body and baby were ready.

Yesterday morning they sure did and fast! Almost had a hospital parking lot baby! 😆 Mama was a rockstar and dad passed out during this quick, wild and immediate birth! I just had to capture him being wheeled in to meet his son! Ha!

Everyone is doing well! Congratulations to this sweet family on their beautiful son!

The Birthkeeper, LLC - Missouri Birth & Creative Services



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 19:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 19:00


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Why Choose Birth Photography?

Hi there! My name is Danielle and i’m a photographer located in the Mid-Missouri area that specializes in Birth Photography/Videography, Fresh 48 sessions and capturing babies and families in a lifestyle, natural environment. I am all about those precious little details from the soft hair on your little one’s head down to their tiny little toes.

I began my journey with Birth Photography almost 6 years ago and haven’t stopped since. I have photographed over 50 births now and it is not only my passion but I am a strong advocate for all things pregnancy/birth related. I plan to become a certified Doula in the near future to assist couples with the process of birth, emotional support and what to expect pre and post labor. I love documenting one of the most life changing times in your life and I will tell you this, its something you will cherish forever and will want to look back on over and over again.

I’m dedicated to my birth work and I go on-call with my clients 24/7 the weeks surrounding their due date. I will support you with your wants, needs and fully capture what you would like, being very modest to completely detailed, I go by your wants and needs.

I capture your story, and when it’s all over, you might just start to look at those photos and videos with one eye closed - scared you're going to see bad angles or scary body parts but you’ll look, and see a YOU you've never seen before. A beautiful, powerful, transformed woman in the throes of the most intense pain and love you've ever felt.