Hi guys! Time to pick a winner! I’m sorry for the delay but we had a little bit of an emergency and unexpected orders yesterday and I didn’t want to interrupt everyone watching the wedding of the century this morning- was she not absolutely stunning?! Did you hear about that veil? Her dress was utterly simple but she had the veil embroidered with the flowers of each of the 53 members of the Commonwealth including Canada and California. Everything was extremely personal and I loved it! Hope they tell us about the food LOL
So it’s time to pick a winner and we did! Drumroll please… Our winner is Christine Ferro! Congratulations Christine. Get in touch with me and will make arrangements for you to get your customized Lazy Susan, your $50 Amazon gift card, your family dinner delivered by La Cicala, and your gift card to Sparkle and Shine! Thank you to everyone who participated. Please keep liking and sharing our page and ask your friends to like it we’re going to hit another big milestone soon which means another big giveaway!
Buon Cibo, Buon Amici!!
Good food, Good friends!!