Did you know this about me?
I grew up Christian, and yet, I always remembered the significance of dreams, numbers, and signs. My faith was redemptive, but I often questioned the dogma. I asked myself ‘why’ a lot in church.
After spending the first 22 years of my life in Idaho, I moved to Greece in 2012 and soon after secured a job in Singapore. There, I was introduced to yoga, meditation, and Eastern philosophy, which felt like a remembering.
Expanding my worldview also expanded my knowledge of various wisdom traditions. Yoga stood out to me as an experiential practice, offering insights through personal experience rather than blind belief.
I began seeing an energy healer, witnessing firsthand how changes in the subtle level of reality affect the physical. I traveled to Thailand to learn Reiki, completing 25 hours of clinical training in hospitals, psych wards, and even a zoo.
My deep dive into Yogic philosophy included teacher training in India and further studies with Embodied Philosophy in New York City. The Eastern path to enlightenment transformed my thinking and revealed how easily reality can be manipulated.
In 2018, after another two years in Singapore, I completed a third yoga training in Yin Yoga, which introduced me to Zen philosophy. Its simplicity and focus on balance resonated with me: we’re all enlightened, we just don’t realize it. I deepened my understanding of Buddhism and equanimity through a Vipassana, 10 days of silence and 100 hours of meditation.
From Asia, I moved to Latin America and immersed myself in the traditions of the Maya and the Inca, woven into the lands here. At Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, I found my soul’s home at Las Pyramides del Ka, a meditation school studying the Mystical Qabalah. There, I explored lucid dreaming, Tarot, numerology, astrology, and their connections to the Tree of Life.
Everything in my life seemed to lead to that point. I committed fully to my studies, completing three courses spanning five months and 80 days of silence at Las Pyramides del KA.
During 40 consecutive days of silence, I discovered my mission: to serve the 17th Tarot mystery, The Star.
Curious to know what happened next?