We have a Praise & Worship night coming up in our Back to our Roots community event happening in Rainier, Oregon’s beautiful city park July 26th. This is a time for us to come together and be in community with one another sharing our love for Christ.
For anyone that follows our events we are a family that lets our faith lead the way!
When I first heard god, I thought this was a crazy idea we’ve never done an event like that. As the days continued I was constantly reminded about how much faith I first had as we pushed out our first ever Christmas parade back in 2020, this year turning 5 it is now a loved family tradition. Learning from that, I now know that there’s an amazing amount of growth that happens when you walk into the unknown saying god I trust you! I think when we are sometimes most uncomfortable we’re actually growing the most, I’m greatful that my eyes are now open to recognize these things.
We recently had the opportunity to go to an event called unite in prayer hosted in Rainier, Oregon the focus during that event was living water. Now for us Jesus people, living water is everything that flows in and out of us, it’s nourishes us and substains us, just like faith and hope.
My daughter and I arrived early to this event and decided to go walk the park and down on the river. I had been praying about our praise & worship night and asking for direction and then I hear one word “baptism” immediately following I thought “your crazy, I can’t do that” and then the days to follow I was at my families home church branches, talking to my pastors wife and telling her about the previous days and bless her heart, she was my rock, offered me words of encouragement, and because of that conversation and her open arms we will be offering baptism in the river at our event.
I’m forever grateful for my sisters and brothers in Christ that keep me rooted, life without them doesn’t make sense.
If you’re interested in attending this event it takes place in Rainier’s City Park, right off of W A street, Rainier, Oregon. Bring a lawn chair, bring a friend, and come share an evening rooted in christ with one another.
July 26, 2024 6:00pm-9:00pm