The Mystery Collection
The Mystery Collection is so much more than a typical magic show. Master Magician Paul Noffsinger will lead your group through a complete evening of Mystery Entertainment and Illusion. The evening will be full of haunted artifacts, unbelievable coincidences, dark and pointed humor and stories of the unexplained. A Mystery Collection show is completely customizable to fit any type of event. The Mystery Collection has been performed to audiences as small as 10 on a train in Peru to 1,500 in a sold out theater. Paul has performed and lectured to magicians, students and businesses about the importance of Magic and how to find Magic in everyday situations. Paul has served as a consultant for performers on America’s Got Talent, Penn and Teller Fool Us and is currently serving as a magic consultant for a television show in development focusing on ghosts and haunted history. The Mystery Collection is building a consulting program for public speakers, emcees and sales associates to incorporate magic into their programs.