Day 14 of 2025. Lord I just want to say THANK YOU. Currently, Everything is going wrong. My work truck clearly needs some tuning up. First it was the tire, the windshield wiper, now the truck just won’t start. I had to rent a uhual last night just to pick up my rentals from the weekend.
Now take it to my personal car, I got a flat after driving home from teaching ALL DAY on Sunday. So can you imagine me sitting outside for an hour waiting for AAA to come put a Dnut on my car when all I want to do is sleep 😩?
It’s some more things but Lord you already know. I cried a few times but more so just out of frustration. I’m literally asking myself “WHAT IS ALL THIS TRYING TO TEACH ME.” What is the lesson in all of this that is going on right now? I’ll tell you guys when I find out. I just know that before the testimony there is a test.
ALSO, I was in the middle of praise and worship online while picking up some stuff for class and fell in the parking lot. When I say I got back up so fast! Lordddd all I can hear is the song “get back up again” 😂.
God I just want to say THANK YOU! I don’t have what I’ve been praying for, yet. But it’s coming. While I’m here in the waiting room waiting for my turn….I will praise you in advance. Bless my business Lord. Bless me Lord.
Whew, I literally was online watching church from Sunday and just cried my eyes out prior to typing this up. I literally have a smile on my face right now! God is going to work it out 😊. As pastor said don’t just pray…Praise him in advance!
Happy Tuesday 🫶🏾