UGH, this pains me to say. This may be a long post so let's dig in. It comes with great "Happy displeasure," we'll call it, to make this announcement. Pack'd Kitchen LLC, effective immediately, will be shutting it's doors. For background, I have worked within the neurodiverse community for almost 7 years, and have just about accumulated 2 degrees in Psychology with plans to continue further in my education. I work primarily with adults with developmental disabilities and have been given an opportunity that I simply can not refuse that will push my career to the next level. This business was never a money pit, nor was it a million dollar idea. I started it because I love food and I love making people happy through flavors on a plate, but I also love the community that i provide support for. It hurts to close what was a successful business, but I'm very passionate about my position in this field and with this new adventure, I plan to make changes from within. The advocacy, the research, and the development of new treatment happening every day for these folks is what gets me out of bed every day. I want to be apart of that, I want to help, and I want to continue to learn, and make their days that much more meaningful. With that, it brings my heart much hurt that I must say goodbye. I am so thankful for each and every one of you. You all supported my little business in some way, and all of my experiences, conversations, and evenings with all of my clients were nothing less than amazing. I will always cherish this experience, and the people and families that I have me through it. With that, I again thank you all for the love and support that you have given this business. And don't worry, the kitchen will still be packed, I will still be around, posting plates of things you may be missing ;) Thank you again!
With Love