My Journey Into Wedding Photography
I purchased my first “professional” camera in the summer of 2000, it was a Nikon N70 film camera. In my eyes is was professional because prior to that I’d only owned a Kodak Advantix, and frequently purchased disposable camera from Walgreens. As a freshman at the University of Illinois at Urbana, my camera was my sidekick. Wherever I went, my Nikon was attached at the hip. Being the guy constantly “flicking”, led to the nickname “Flikk” in which in 2016 became my legal name. Yes, actually on my birth certificate, legal. While in love with the art of photography, it wasn’t until I shot my first wedding, on film, on June 23, 2001 that I realized wedding photography was destined to be a part of my journey as a photographic artist. Sounds cool right? Anyhow, that’s a brief synopsis of my relationship with love for the art of photography, and weddings.