If you died tonight, do you know where you would spend eternity? I hope so, I hope you answer with "in heaven with Jesus." I hope that you already know the joy of having Jesus as your Lord and Savior. And the amazing peace it brings to truly make Him Master of your life. If not I hope you seek Him, I hope you reach out to me or someone else or dust off that Bible you haven't opened in years. You see, He is always there waiting with outstretched arms hoping that you will turn to Him. It's not about religion or even being religious. It's about the undeniable, unequivocal love of our heavenly Father who gave all so that we could be with Him! We see our failures and shortcomings, our sins, our brokenness and mistakes, but He sees us as His beloved children, made perfect by the blood of Jesus Christ. No one is ever too far gone, too dirty, or too broken for Jesus. He makes beauty from ashes!!!!!! ❤️ We do not know the day or the hour that He will return, or when any of us might leave this earth, but I do know if you are reading this; I love you and Jesus loves you! If you are not saved please consider asking Jesus to save you, declare that He is the son of God and make him Lord of your life! I want to see you in Heaven some day! And if you were like me and "got saved" but never really lived for Jesus, it's not too late!!!! He pulled me from the darkness and He can do it for you too!