Miracle on Palafox - Brian Kelley, Kimberly Perry, and Tigirlily Gold is tonight
Fiesta Pensacola - Seafood Festival 2021 Entertainment lineup - Chase Bryant
Fiesta Pensacola presents the 44th Annual Seafood Festival in Seville Square, Fountain Park, and Bartram Park on September 24, 25, and 26.
Friday Night Entertainment in Bartram Park includes:
Karli Ryan
Ben Loftin and the Family
and The Molly Ringwalds
Saturday Night (Country Night)
Bruce Smelley
Jackie Lee
Chase Bryant
Mike Magno
See you at the Seafood Festival!
Miracle on Palafox 2019 Recap
If you were at Miracle on Palafox 2019 you know it was a special show... See if you made it into the crowd shots. Thank you to Gulf Winds Credit Union for again making it possible to host this show. The proceeds all benefit United Way of West Florida for Chrisrmas Wishes. Thank you to Scotty McCreery, Riley Green, and Ryan Hurd for lending their talents to this amazing show. Plus this is probably one of the coolest shots of Fire and Rain from Foo Foo Festival! Brenventures Multimedia did an amazing job on this video! Visit Pensacola!