🥀📸I don’t post it often, but every year I do like to post about this because it is a service I do offer and you just never know who might need or want something like this….
Everyone sooner or later in their life has been impacted by death. When your loved one passes away, individuals rush to offer sympathies and offer to help. Here and there, we can be so loaded up with agony, shock, and measures of strain to get things done. At some point, when the burial services are done and over, we look back and notice everything has occurred so quickly; sometimes, despite the amount of shock you are in, you do not realize what is happening around you.
I am opening a new part of my business, giving families a private opportunity to reflect when ready and aid in healing. This would be discrete, and no flash would be utilized. I will approach this type of photo session with the utmost care and respect for the families during this time. I won't ever pose clients during this time except if requested. I will catch things you do not see: the hand on the shoulder, individuals signing the book, rose throwing, lowering of the casket, photographs of emotions that have feelings but no words spoken, families holding hands, candid photographs, pictures of the flowers received, a son comforting a mother, holding your loved one for the last time, and the last photos you want to take with your loved one.
Last minutes to value and reflect back on when ready, done beautifully and deferentially. After such a misfortune of grief, sometimes we do not get to see all that happens because we are clouded with grief. I will be your eyes when you cannot see. I can also attend the lunch or celebrations of life and capture photos of those family and friends that came from out of town. After the services, you will be left with the option to share these memories with your family and friends, whether they were present or unable to attend. These precious images are to serve as a reminder for young children, when they are older, to show how loved their parents or grandparents were. I will be your eyes during your time of grief.
I have an unimaginable comprehension of memorial and funeral service etiquette and will wear clothing that is acceptable in the funeral home. Exceptions if mentioned are to wear something per the family course of action and dress styles. Example: Everybody is wearing pink for the adored one. At this point, I will attempt to wear pink.
I have experience working with all ages of death, ranging from infants to the elderly.
I offer burial, funeral, church services, celebration of life, and remembrance photography.
I am offering remembrance slideshows with photos of your loved ones, friends, and family, made with music played in the background. I have experience assisting over 16 families with remembrance slideshows.
One last part of this type of photography is
Baby Angel Session
I will be offering to parents who have experienced the loss of an infant.
This would include me coming to any place you would like me to be: the emergency clinic, burial service, funeral home, your home, and so on. I will take pictures that will help you remember the time spent with your baby. Unique things you probably should not forget about your baby.
The Baby Angel Sessions are Free of Charge until further notice.
Kindly get in touch with me for additional information on setting these services up in the event that time emerges. Tasha's Fairy Good Memories.
Lastly, please share this, as you never know who may need this information.
Thank you.