It's brand new! be early to the party!!! Come join my new photography group based on sharing knowledge directly from masters to noobs. Ask questions and get real answers. Check out the helpful resources tab or ask for a friendly community critique! Or just talk gear!
Samsung says Photos aren't real...? Just a quick hot take on a photography news item. What do you think? Is there such a thing as a "real photo" anymore?
Samsung says Photos aren't real? Quick hot take on some photography news, what do you think?
Hello Beauties,
Just made this short video that explains camera ISO in a simple and easy-to-understand way! ISO controls the sensitivity of your camera's sensor to light, and it's an important aspect of photography. If you're new to photography or just need a quick refresher, give this video a watch. #photography #ISO #camerasetting
How Camera Aperture Works
Hello beautiful people!
Learn about camera aperture in this short video!
Aperture refers to the opening in the lens that allows light to pass through to the image sensor. It's measured in f-stops and a lower number indicates a wider aperture, while a higher number indicates a narrower aperture. Wider apertures allow more light in and are useful in low light or for creating a shallow depth of field. Narrower apertures allow less light in and are useful in bright light or for creating a greater depth of field. #photography #aperture #camerasettings #fstop
Just a quick little video explaining how shutter speed works for photographers that are starting out.
There's something truly empowering about understanding the manual settings on your camera and being able to create the images you envision. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish when you take control of your camera! #photography #photographytips #getoffautomode #photographyeducation
#camerasettings #photographytutorial #photographyteacher
What's included in the Beginner Video Package
Quick explanation of what's included in the Beginner Video Package for commercial clients
Colorado sure has been smoky the last few summers 😢
Meet Your Friendly Neighborhood Photographer..... Me!
Please allow me to introduce you to your friendly neighborhood photographer... Me!
Photography Location Scouting
Looking forward to an engagement shoot in this location!!! Been putting this one off for a while due to impassible roads. Looks like 2 weeks when the moss all greens up it's go time 📸💃🎉📸 Can't wait to share this shoot with you!!! #chasingwaterfalls
Blue Mesa
What did you do last night? ✨⭐✨
Make Zoom Videos Look better | Creating Background Separation
Going over 4 quick tips to provide background seperation in any photo or video, so you can look pro 🙂