Hello October! @fremontstreeteats meets October 4, October 11, October 18.
Meet @thefoodtruckmafia @fremontbusiness @renewalbyandersen @fremont_ca @fremontrecreation @choosefremont @dj_aaron_dalugdug at the Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Avenue on those Fridays from 5 to 9pm.
Safe Alternatives to Violent Environments @saveagainstdv Crush Salon @crushsalonfremont @thehotspotfremont HotSpot Fremont Tri City Animal Shelter @tricityanimals Optimize Accounting Solutions @optimizeaccountingsolutions @corepchiro @missionpeakkids Mission Peak Pediatric Dentistry @rickknowsrealestate @otffremont @fudtafremonteducators Food Truck Mafia Fremont Chamber of Commerce Aaron Tayvis Dalugdug City of Fremont, CA Government @Fremont Recreation Services Fremont Fire Department Fremont Police Department Fremont Economic Development Banter Bookshop @banterbookshop
October 20 is the Halloween Trick or Treat Event at the Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Ave. From 5-9 pm Fremont Chamber of Commerce City of Fremont, CA Government Fremont Recreation Services Food Truck Mafia ImageSource Entertainment Fremont Fire Department Fremont Police Department Banter Bookshop
ATTENTION: No Fremont Street Eats on Friday, August 4 due to road closures in preparation for the Fremont Festival of the Arts! Fremont Street Eats will return on Friday, August 11! BTW there will be food trucks from the Food Truck Mafia at the Fremont Festival of the Arts on Sat and Sun. Check out the lineup at fremontfestival.net. Are you coming?
Fremont Street Eats July 14 with the Fremont Chamber of Commerce, the Food Truck Mafia. Jollof Kitchen, Cousin's Maine Lobster, Roadside Rotisserie, Curveball Sliders, Rincon del Cielo Taqueria, Mr. Andrews, Yeeshaan's Grubb. 5-9 pm. 3500 Capitol Ave. Fremont.
This Friday July 7 is First Responders Night at Fremont Street Eats.
Fremont Street Eats happens at the Downtown Event Center every Friday from May thru October
There's a long weekend coming up! Start it at Fremont Street Eats! Friday, June 30 from 5 to 9 pm at 3500 Capitol Avenue
Fremont Street Eats tonight from 5-9pm. 3500 Capitol Ave
Attention: No Fremont Street Eats on Friday, May 19. Instead, join us at the Burger & Brew Fest on May 20. Your fave food trucks will be cooking burgers!
Here’s Jennifer with her raffle prize from Fremont Educators : books from Banter Bookshop! Did you know: Fremont Chamber of Commerce members give awesome raffle prizes at #fremontstreeteats and you don’t need to be present to win! Join us at the next Fremont Street Eats on Friday Sept 30 from 5 to 9 pm. 3500 Capitol Ave, Fremont. Raffle drawing at 8:00 pm. ImageSource Entertainment
Attention Fremont! ACE connects you to the San Joaquin, Tri-Valley, Santa Clara and surrounding areas with passenger rail service to work, attractions and much more! Visit ACERAIL.COM
#RideACE #ACEtrain #FremontStreetEats #VisitFremont #FremontChamber
Fremont Chamber of Commerce Altamont Corridor Express
Stacy Lin Farmer’s Insurance giving out swag!