I don't know that dude,
I don't know the couple
I'm not even a wrestling fan, but I feel like thise guests are going to have a really fun time!
I love how he pulls this off in honor of the couple.
There's a subtle difference in him stealing the spotlight And he handled it masterfully!
I usually watch something like this then I'll study it and rewatch it 5, 8 maybe 10 times.
First time I saw how the bride and groom reacted.
Then I watch the audience, He changes the mood of the whole room.
Suppose the MC that night did not know the speech was coming and a sentimental or romantic first dance was next.
What on earth would that MC say to transition this hype moment to a romantic one?
When you talk about a vibe or a feel of an event.
This is what makes a difference.
Do we have to do the next thing that's on the timeline or do we take a breather readjust the agenda for the evening to the mood of the room?
Man I'd love to be in the room at this wedding!