While we waited for a fun run 'after hours' at Black River Motorsports Park For autocross 3.0 we took the time to update y'all in case you didn't know or were wondering if we were still a thing 😁 We(Adam &Kat) have always worked together and unfortunately, we have left this page/business to the wayside for the longest time as Adam is full time in his newish position BUT we always try to make time for car shenanigans! And we happen to be sponsors of this awesome track! And if you haven't yet you can keep tabs on the KJensen Images side of things for more oooh shiny vroom vroom mobiles & other things too! ALSO ALSO don't forget to give a shout out to the folks here at the track!!They are always keeping it fun and running smooth! There's a couple sets of spectator bleachers and a PA system now that made the day even better!