Let me hop on the soap box for a hot second.
This Fat Cat gamer story is pathetic. And it should not be going viral. It's only going to encourage future copy cats to commit su***de. Anyone who knew me in my teenage years and early 20s knows very well why this topic is a hot button for me. Unfortunately nobody is born with the rule book and most don't have good enough role models to guide them. After age 22, I've never given anyone anything expecting anything in return, monetary or romantically. When I give, I give with love and kindness, and will have already have forgotten about doing it before I blink. I give generously when I'm able. It's just who I am. I keep it a rule not to brag about charity's I'm associated with, I'm human though and slip up. But back to my main point... I'm no stranger to unrequited love. And even recently discovered more truths of life and things about myself. And as amazing as someone can be, or make you feel. There's always another right around the corner. If it's meant to be, they'll come back. If not, oh well, their loss. Okay Rant over. Back to doom scrolling Tik Tok. Hope everyone has a fantastic day and weekend! Gallery Night on Friday! Family Fued at 850 on Saturday!! Come support G out at Cask this Sunday!!! 😈😈😈😈
The story of 'Fat Cat' has become a hot topic in China, sparking widespread sympathy and discussions online.