Man Eater Photoshoot & Video
If you want to see Fashion, Bridal & Till Death Does us Part....
#halloweenentertainmentorlando #halloweeenweddings #orlandohalloweenweddings #halloweenent #entorlando #allhallowsent #tilldeathdouspart #enthalloweentheme #halloweenwedding #weddingent #halloweenentertainment #orlandoevents
The Ultimate is when the clients kids DANCE!!!
That means...A WIN!!!
❤️ Private Party!!!
Band & Live Music
Love making amazing connections and P.S. Love, in conjunction with
& @djfunfactory
#lakewalesfl #orlandoentertainment #orlandoentertainers #cflentertainment #entorlando #lakewalesent
People ask what our ideal Couples are...
The answers are all over the place....BUT I can say...This would very much be a @psiloveuprod client!!!
Special thanks to @bustld that posted
You play your drums girl!!! YOU ARE KILLIN IT!!! 🥁
~not our actual client but such a personality we P.S.❤️
Today was not a standard wedding day went to the dogs!!!
PUPPY Flights at
Then Adoption Event @highpointclub Apt!!!
This is Fudge available through
#puppykisses #puppiesofinstagram #orlandorescue #orlandorescueanimals #orlandorescueevents #thepixelfundflorida #thepixelfund #pixelposseevents #pixelpups #orlandopixelpets #orlandopixel
Disney Fairytale Send Off!!!
For Kristen & Eric!!!
#orlandocouples #orlandoweddings
#orlandocouple #orlandowedding #orlandoweddingexit #orlandoevents #orlandoplanning #orlandoplanners #orlandoentertainment #orlandobrides #orlandogrooms #snowexit #snoapexit #realfloridaweddings #cflweddings
Did Christmas make you feel like this???
Longest EVER Worm recorded :)
Definitive ᏞᎾᏉᎬ Fest!
~Jessica & Chris!!!
#orlandoweddings #orlandowedding #orlandoevents #orlandonuptials
#orlandodetails #orlandoengagements
#orlandoengagedcouples #Orlandoentertainmentevents #orlandoent #orlandocouples
#orlandobridestobe #orlandobrides #orlandogrooms #orlandonewlyweds
#dessertislife #desserttables #orlandodessert #orlandodesserttables
MEGGY'S HAPPY DANCE for the end to a very busy week.
TONIGHT we help Celebrate Alexis & Phillip!!!
with @weddingsonlydj
#orlandoweddings #orlandowedding #orlandoevents #orlandonuptials
#orlandodetails #orlandoengagements
#orlandoengagedcouples #Orlandoentertainmentevents #orlandoent #orlandocouples
#puppydance #orlandonewlyweds
#intimatemoments #weddingmascot #idoandbrews #isaidyesfl #isaidyesflpros
Man Eater, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Product Shoot for @orlandoweddingandpartyrentals
Video provided by @pbandjstudios
Other Vendor Contributions:
#Halloweenweddings #orlandoweddingcouples
#funcreativeshoots #notyourstandardcouple #halloweenevents
#orlandoeventtalent #orlandocreative
When you want a ⒷⓄⓊⓆⓊⒺⓉ you can light on fire...oh yeah!!!
#orlandoweddingcouples #orlandoweddingplanner
#orlandoweddingplanner #orlandoweddingcoordinator #orlandolivemusic #intimateceremonies
#sherawedding #sparklers
#sparklerweddings #sparklerweddingphotos #weddinglighting #orlandosparklers #coldburnsparklers #coldburnsparklerwedding