Hi everyone
West Whiteland has issued a press release in regards the proposed plan to the redevelopment plan of the Exton Mall. You can read the press release here: https://www.westwhiteland.org/DocumentCenter/View/2772/WWT-Press-Release_21825 and can view the master plan here: https://www.westwhiteland.org/DocumentCenter/View/2773/Proposed-MP-Master-Plan_Exton-Square-Mall-Property?bidId=
In this plan, the section of the mall that Arts and Athletics Club occupies will be knocked down. According to the press release, a few meetings need to occur in order for this plan to occur. If this plan is approved, we will need to find a new space if we wish to continue to operate our programs.
I am calling for help in a couple different ways.
1) Volunteers for a committee to help find a new space - I am looking for a few people to join me in trying to find a new space. We would periodically meet and try to secure a new location that will work for us.
2) Letters of Support - If any of our participants, parents, community members could write us a letter of support, it would be greatly appreciated. These letters would just share your experience with Arts and Athletics Club and let the reader know why the program is needed in the community.
If you are interested in being a member of the committee to help find a new space, please comment here If you are interested in writing a letter, please send it over to us at [email protected]
There is a possibility that this doesn't get approved and that we will continue to stay in our space. There is also no timeline associated with the plan, so it could be something that takes years. But, it is important for us to come up with a plan to ensure we can continue to provide creative programs in our community with no interruption.
I thank you for your continued support of Arts and Athletics Club. We have built such a special community together and have worked SO HARD in bringing things to life. Let's keep the fight going and we navigate the future.