I wanted to wait until the end of the day so I could really put my thoughts into the right order. It's 9/11/2024. It's been 23 years since the towers fell. It's been 23 years since a plane full of brave souls lost their lives stopping another plane from hitting it's target and 23 years since another slammed into the Pentagon.
23 years, that seems like an eternity. There's a memorial on the site of the Towers. The Pentagon looks like nothing happened. There's a memorial and monument in Pennsylvania.
Thousands of live were lost. Brave people went in to try to save as many as they could, firefighters, police officers and even civilians. People jumped from the towers, hundreds of feet in the air knowing they had no hope of survival.
I remember where I was when it happened. I remember that morning in FFCHS (Fountain-Fort Carson High School). I was running behind and walked into the school near the beginning of Homeroom. It was strangely silent. We sat there and watched the towers fall. I was there before the second plane hit, I missed the first.
That day went by so slowly. I remember it like yesterday even though it was 23 years ago. It's something I will never forget and I hope nobody else does either.