I’m really not one for dramatic end of year posts or false promises for the new year that I’ll probably go back on in a week, but I want to talk to all the creatives and aspiring creatives when I say this.
As an individual what I’ll say about 2021 is that it was an interesting year, I hurt and was healed, I had my rough days and my great days, I found myself as an individual and let go of a lot of things that challenged who that individual is now. 😬
As a creative ? 🤔 I now feel like I’m starting fresh, mainly because 2 of my hard drives broke (pray for my data recovery which is why there’s only one photo). I didn’t post things because I wanted them to be perfect, perfect honestly is subjective. I look at photos that I took like this one and remember when I would run around taking sh*tty pictures of plants at a job a kinda hated. It made the days better and I felt expressive. Long story short, CREATE, show off what your mind created and how you see the world. Stop caring about if it’s good enough or one upping the last post or song or video. Just do the damn thing and do it unapologetically. 🙌🏾
NOW what is my promise ?? I’m going to be a better person than yesterday, and that’s all I have to be and that’s all you have to be as well or not lmao it’s your life man. 👌🏾