Another packed day at Cute & Comfy Shoes today from 10 to 4! If you weren’t able to get in today, I am here every third Wednesday of the month. Sign ups for January and February are already open!
Visit to find your Local Official Finklepott Fairy! #FinklepottsFairyHair #MostMagicalFairyHairintheWorld #FairyHair #MagicalHair #TennesseeFairyHair #TNFairyHair #ShopGreenHills #GracesPlaza #ShopLocalNashville
Thirty Strands of #FinklepottsOriginalFairyHair in #FinklepottsRoses!! At the Williamson County Fair in #FranklinTn Visit to find your Local Official Finklepott Fairy! #FinklepottsFairyHair #MostMagicalFairyHairintheWorld #FairyHair #MagicalHair #TennesseeFairyHair #TNFairyHair
People ask me all the time about the things that you can do with Finklepott’s Fairy Hair®. Yes, you can Perm it!
Visit to find your Local Official Finklepott Fairy! #FinklepottsFairyHair #MostMagicalFairyHairintheWorld #FairyHair #MagicalHair #TennesseeFairyHair #TNFairyHair Cute & Comfy Shoes Dieta Duncan
Setting up today at Kreate Hub Nashville for the 2nd Saturday Pop Up Market!
Come get your Finklepott’s Fairy Hair and some Mardi Gras beads straight from New Orleans!
Visit to find your Local Official Finklepott Fairy! #FinklepottsFairyHair #MostMagicalFairyHairintheWorld #FairyHair #MagicalHair #TennesseeFairyHair #TNFairyHair
20 strands of #FinklepottsGingerSnap added to enhance the 20 she already had!
Visit to find your Local Official Finklepott Fairy! #FinklepottsFairyHair #MostMagicalFairyHairintheWorld #FairyHair #MagicalHair #TennesseeFairyHair #TNFairyHair
When you book a #SparkleParty, you might see one of my favorite combos!
#FinklepottsTardis and #FinklepottsAurora
#ForTheWin!! #Knoxville #Nashville
Visit to find your Local Official Finklepott Fairy! #FinklepottsFairyHair #MostMagicalFairyHairintheWorld #FairyHair #MagicalHair #TennesseeFairyHair #TNFairyHair
Dudley decided to be sparkly today!
You can too!
Visit to find your Local Official Finklepott Fairy! #FinklepottsFairyHair #MostMagicalFairyHairintheWorld #FairyHair #MagicalHair #TennesseeFairyHair #TNFairyHair
Look what happened at The Rogue and Raven today!
40 strands of #hyacinthSparkle & #Aurora!
Visit to find your Local Official Finklepott Fairy! #FinklepottsFairyHair #MostMagicalFairyHairintheWorld #FairyHair #MagicalHair #TennesseeFairyHair #TNFairyHair
Did some #Barkles today at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival!
Thanks Molly and Lilly for letting me do this!
Visit to find your Local Official Finklepott Fairy! #FinklepottsFairyHair #MostMagicalFairyHairintheWorld #FairyHair #MagicalHair #TennesseeFairyHair #TNFairyHair
We had a fantastic #Holi celebration this past weekend!
Visit to find your Local Official Finklepott Fairy! #FinklepottsFairyHair #MostMagicalFairyHairintheWorld #FairyHair #MagicalHair #TennesseeFairyHair #TNFairyHair
50 Strands of Finklepott’s Original Fairy Hair ™️ - in #FinklepottsRapunzel- as a surprise for a #GoldenAnniversary!
What’s better than that?!
Visit to find your Local Official Finklepott Fairy! #FinklepottsFairyHair #MostMagicalFairyHairintheWorld #FairyHair #MagicalHair #TennesseeFairyHair #TNFairyHair