In celebration of the life of Joshua Wolff (1973-2013), a dozen extraordinary artists of national and international stature convene in Pinehurst for a Jazz Festival unlike any yet experienced in the Sandhills. Admission is $20 (Hotel will provide a cash bar). Seating is cabaret-style and is limited. Save with a Festival Pass, good for all three performances, for $50. Tickets are available online a
Each performance has two sets, with intermission, and is followed by a reception with the artists and David Michael Wolff, with videos from The Duel 2013. Concert I - Sunday, July 14, 3pm: Featuring vocalist Michelle Walker, saxophonist Jon Gordon and trumpeter Thomas Marriot
Concert II - Sunday, July 14, 8pm: Featuring vocalist Whitney James and The Three Jazz Divas
Concert III - Monday, July 15, 8pm: Featuring vocalist Hilary Gardner with saxophonist Jon Gordon, and a grand finale jam session
CD's of Joshua Wolff, as well as of the performing artists will be available for purchase for $20. The inaugural Pinehurst Jazz Festival is presented by Carolina Philharmonic. The Festival Artistic Director is Paul Gabrielson, and the Festival Director of Development is Izabella Gabrielson.