Lets talk about gear for a second: There’s this idea that you (as a photographer) have to constantly be upgrading, switching systems, buying new equipment and getting the next best thing but honestly I think it’s more important to actually spend your time and money on these three things:
1. know your gear - actually spend time learning the menu system, features, functions and how it operates in different situations. Invest in education or spend time digging in YouTube, sooo many good resources there.
2. know your shooting style - be confident in the work that you like creating, stop comparing and spend more time creating. know what you want and use your gear as a tool to make it happen.
3. know how to utilize both natural and artificial light. learn and know the dang settings in your camera! what makes you a professional photographer isn’t just a fancy camera, or x number of years owning said camera it’s actually knowing what happens when you adjust your shutter speed, ISO, aperture, etc.
And honestly, be willing to experiment, make mistakes and keep improving. If you’re willing to put the time in (and I’m yelling this at myself right now) you WILL find your style, your niche and what you love to create. And don’t get me wrong, I won’t a Fuji GFX almost more than a g-wagon or 70s Landcruiser, but also see the importance of working with what you have and saying no to gear fever.
Questions or wanna chat gear? Drop a comment! 😸