I’m dealing with a white Christmas. Just like the ones I moved to Florida fo’.
Chicago Blackhawks
0% Blackhawks fan but this is probably my favorite NHL building. Anthem alone is such an experience. Nothing like it. #chicago
Latest with Hurricane Milton
How are you doing so far?
I hate this and I love this at the same time. Steve in Riverview made this from my Instagram of me hand feeding the pigeons of Bogota... set to the Home Alone scream scene. 😆
Medellin Moron
“I’m not a smart man.” -Forrest Gump, also Geno
Why I asked you to be in your seats a few minutes early Saturday night. 😆
Freestyle Explosion After Party
Because when you're our age, the after party is on social media.
Freestyle Explosion Eve Drinks
It's almost here. Saturday night Stevie B, Lisa Lisa, Expose, Sweet Sensation, TKA, George LaMond and the rest of the dance club legends of the 80s and 90s come back to Tampa. Friday night at 7, let's have a Freestyle Explosion Eve preparty. Have your beverage of choice with you and we'll get you up to speed on everything you need to know for the show.