The sky is huge, and the universe is infinite and full of things to look at. Those wonderful sights in the sky are scattered across a seemingly unknowable sea of glittering darkness. There is one list that reveals nearly all of the best things in the sky that we can see and where they can be found. All thanks to the serendipitous work of Charles Messier, 18th century French Astronomer and the eponymous creator of the most famous celestial catalog.
The Lord of the very young and disappearing Rings! Saturn's rings are not only much younger than we thought, but also disappearing fast!
Start to plan your solar eclipse observing now! Millions of others have already started. Don't miss these incredible opportunities to see nature's rare and stunning wonders.
Quasars, Blazars and Active Galactic Nucleus! Some of the many identities given to those peculiar gravitational anomalies called Black Holes. #MobilePlanetarium #Astronomy #NightSky
Star Talk Tuesday!
Going on a celestial hunt among the stars in spring? Go no further than the Hunting Dogs, Asterion and Chara in Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs of the northern sky. Like real life canine companions, Canes Venatici bring home the treasures. Globular clusters, Galaxies galore, double stars and more...
Reach out to book our mobile planetarium at [email protected] or (877) 819-8248.
#nightsky #hollowdidyouknow #astronomy #stargazing #mobileplanetarium
Spring brings the showers, both rain and meteor. The annual Lyrid Meteor shower peaks on the evening of the 22nd and without a moon to interfere, the show should be pleasing. Look for streaks of light in the night sky that come from leftovers of Comet Thatcher's 1861 passing.
Gaze Up and See our Galactic Neighbors!
"Gaze up into the sky and see our dancing galactic neighbors M81 and M82 in the Great Bear of the North. Like the moon and the tides, see what happens to vast clouds of gas and dust within galaxies as these massive giants of gravity pass by one another."
Reach out if you are interested in our Mobile Planetarium! (877) 819-8248
Star Talk with The Crab
Hello everybody! It's Star Talk Tuesday!
Near the top of the sky at 9:30 pm, the Crab brings a swarm of bees to the show. Learn about the place in the sky that ancient people revered, and why they named a tropic after it. See the treasure that hides in a very ordinary looking place and discover what Arkushanangarushashutu means!
If you are an education provider and have students or campers interested in learning more about astronomy, check out our Mobile Planetarium! Call (877) 819-8248 for more information!
Star Talk with The Crab
Hello everybody! It's Star Talk Tuesday!
Near the top of the sky at 9:30 pm, the Crab brings a swarm of bees to the show. Learn about the place in the sky that ancient people revered, and why they named a tropic after it. See the treasure that hides in a very ordinary looking place and discover what Arkushanangarushashutu means!
If you are an education provider and have students or campers interested in learning more about astronomy, check out our Mobile Planetarium! Call (877) 819-8248 for more information!
Star Talk with The Crab
Hello everybody! It's Star Talk Tuesday!
Near the top of the sky at 9:30 pm, the Crab brings a swarm of bees to the show. Learn about the place in the sky that ancient people revered, and why they named a tropic after it. See the treasure that hides in a very ordinary looking place and discover what Arkushanangarushashutu means!
If you are an education provider and have students or campers interested in learning more about astronomy, check out our Mobile Planetarium! Call (877) 819-8248 for more information!
Star Talk with The Crab
Hello everybody! It's Star Talk Tuesday!
Near the top of the sky at 9:30 pm, the Crab brings a swarm of bees to the show. Learn about the place in the sky that ancient people revered, and why they named a tropic after it. See the treasure that hides in a very ordinary looking place and discover what Arkushanangarushashutu means!
If you are an education provider and have students or campers interested in learning more about astronomy, check out our Mobile Planetarium! Call (877) 819-8248 for more information!
Star Talk Tuesday - Two crackerjack star clusters, one with a secret surprise in the pack!