Friends in the Uintah Basin: I am selling raffle tickets for the absolute best Valentine's dinner to be held on February 9. The location is the parish house at St. Paul's - a cerca1900 historic building that is beautifully maintained and decorated. One person wins the raffle and then gets to invite 7 more people for a wonderful, intimate evening out with friends. The drawing will be on January 28. Come on Feb. 9th, mingle and talk before dinner, with live music before setting down to eat at 6:30 from beautiful dishes. Dinner is usually Prime Rib roast with the sides and desserts being different cook's specialties (the winner can request a different protein if Prime Rib is not appealing). Tickets are $1 each and 6 for $5. We have done this dinner for a number of years, and you may know someone who has won in the past. We are raising money to replace the doors on the front of our historic church in Vernal.