Today’s Ta**us New Moon occurs at 21º and is a remarkable, albeit subtle lunation that we need to pay attention to. With both luminaries conjoined in the Moon’s exaltation, we’re called to now plant the seeds we wish to see grow, ensuring they bear the fruits of our labour. But this lunation is tricky. As ‘labour’ doesn’t mean the physical action you have taken throughout the course of your life that aligns with your material gain. It’s the challenges you’ve had to plough through to be where you are today. This New Moon is reflective and charms you in to bear witness to your own growth. Ta**us is closely aligned with Scorpio, and this time reminds us that growth forms from that which has decayed. There is power in acknowledging the versions of you that have had to undergo such transformation, as they have fertilised your very spirit.
As we plan for our future, we also remember the shifts we’ve leaned into, so the plan we construct holds deliberate & intentional action. Venus holds the terms for this lunation, so we look to her for a deeper understanding. Her current journey in Gemini reminds us of our duality. Here, we don’t look at our shadow in fear or discontent – we flirt with it. We laugh with it, recognise it as a part of us that makes us whole. It is the shadow that reminds us of our integrity. As Venus inches closer to the North Node, honest reckoning with the self is a key theme of this lunation. You have to understand who you’ve been to know the qualitative nature of the person you’re working to become. This New Moon holds a relationship with each outer planet. It’s sign conjunction with Uranus solidifies the fact the barriers of defence we use to create separation from our sensory memories will need be broken by you in the name of self-progression. This is not the time for you to rely on the Universe to take action on your behalf – your growth and movement is solely dependent on you here. Sextile to Neptune, we’re reminded of the importance of subtleties that show up in our daily lives – small actions we take that are key reminders of how past conditioning still leads a lot of our movement. What do you need to change to make your days work favourably for you?
Finally, this New Moon also trines Pluto rx in Capricorn. You HAVE to work from the ground up. B e reflective & intentional with the actions you take. Your success is not as material as you view it to be, nor should it be centred around the social systems we’re forced to work in. Your value is not tied to numbers. You hold every dynamic of human nature within you, yet have such an individualised experience that speaks only to you. You deserve space and time to rest without using it as a means to appease the energy you sacrifice for your work. Remember, this is the last lunation until we experience the first of the eclipses on May 26th. What you do now sets the tone for your movements and is a point of grounding your energy to be able to deal with the frenzied & tumultuous shifts those eclipses will bring.
Use this New Moon to your advantage but do so honestly.
You have already acquired all the tools needed to beautify and create ease in the next steps you have to take.
Build with the nature of your Soul in mind.