Can we talk for a sec?
Let’s just get the big news out right at the front…
We are moving!
Wichita will no longer be our home (for now) and Lincoln, Nebraska will be.
Sooo many exciting new possibilities, potentials, and ventures. I truly can’t wait for all that is to come.
But wow this hasn’t been easy. Not sure how it was for you, but 2023 was such a whirlwind of a year.
This decision to move had so much in play. Finances, business, family, relationships, loss, gain, travel…on and on.
Can I be vulnerable for a bit?
God did not give any big eureka moments or significant clarity when working thru these things. Things fell into place at the right time. And afterwards, I can look back and see He was guiding all along. And in my experience with difficult decisions, that’s often how He works; He lets us figure it out while giving us gentle and subtle guidance that we won’t even see until we look back. And honestly it’s good for us. We learn a lot. And learn to trust in Him because things are confusing and don’t seem like it will turn out, but then it always does somehow. And it makes me more in awe of how He lines things up right in front of our blind eyes.
Simple miracles happening every day. Life is better when you choose to see them.
We will be living in Nebraska starting in February.
And while I’m still figuring out what business is going to look like, I’ll let you know, I will still be accepting weddings in the Wichita area and all over the Midwest. Just like normal!
And for now while I’m trying to meet new faces, I’m going to be offering multiple photoshoot giveaways in the coming weeks/months so DEFINITELY stick around to check those out!
But one thing I’ll leave ya with…
Things always work out. Even when they seem so impossible and confusing, God has it figured out and it will all fall into place. Just take it one day at a time and trust.