Ready for a little Bowman Gray Stadium history lesson?
Bowman Gray Stadium, located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, is a cornerstone of NASCAR history and a symbol of grassroots racing. Known as "The Madhouse," it was NASCAR's first weekly racing track and has been a hub for stock car racing since its inaugural race in 1949. The stadium's legacy includes iconic drivers, generations of loyal fans, and a reputation for intense, exciting competition. With its dual history as a football field and a racetrack, Bowman Gray has become an essential piece of local and national motorsports culture.
This February, Bowman Gray will host the highly anticipated NASCAR Clash, returning the spotlight to this historic venue. Leading up to the big race, we’ll be opening our doors and welcoming race fans to a sneak peek inside our venue during our Clash at The Nash weekend of events!
🏁 January 30th + 31st: Open 10AM to 5PM for self-guided tours of the space (tickets at the door)
🏁 February 2nd: Cars + Coffee Presented by NASCAR
🏁 More events to be announced soon!
Stay tuned and visit our website at www.TheNashWSNC.com for updates on our Clash at The Nash event schedule and get ready for an epic weekend of racing!
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