In the day of prosperity rejoice, but in the day of adversity consider; for God made both this and that..." Ecclesiastes 7:14a
Everything that happens to us has a purpose:
The easiest day and the hardest, the most joyful and festive day and that day when it seems like everything is going to fall apart before us; the day of conquest, the day of loss, anguish and pain, the day of courage; and in this it seems that we boost ourselves with faith, strength and courage, to do many good things, which give us pleasure, make us happy, take us upward,... The verse above says exactly that: God made both one and the other !
I don't know how today dawned for you!
I have no idea of your pain, the scars and sadness you may be carrying and the effort you have made to live one day at a time! But I am sure of one thing and that is that the Word of God comes to help us conform to the will of the Lord, which is good, perfect and pleasant (Romans 12:2) and that all things work together for the good of those who love God.( Romans 8:28) He is and will continue to work on your behalf! He takes care of you, even if you don't understand His actions!
May your day be blessed and filled with His presence: Jesus Christ, and the Spirit and both bring you, your family and your loved ones joy, and renew your strength in another day that He, the Lord God, has given us to live .
Good morning and a blessed Wednesday!