Everyone’s love story is different.
Ours is that of lifetimes. You see, my wife and I without any reservations knew we’d done this before the moment we met. Our souls had resonated with eachother before, our hearts overwhelmed with love for eachother before, in a time and place we did not know, and yet the familiarity when we found eachother in this lifetime, the effortless love and ache to be together was undeniably something charged with a love that was ended too soon, a lifetime ago. Perhaps we lived in the shadows then, our love unable to be witnessed in public.
Obviously we don’t know our past lives, what they looked like, what time of history our souls took part in, but we do know that in this lifetime, as le****ns we witnessed coming of age, and living as adults, in love without the rights of being able to marry. Having to fight, defend, protest, and prove that our love was as beautiful as others.
I grew up loving love. Hearts on everything, my clothes, my doodles, EVERYTHING. When I dreamed of love, the roses being brought to my door were always carried by her, a her, always. I grew up unable to see representation of q***r love, unable to dream of marriage because at that time our love was not seen as beautiful, or us as equal.
And even still, once it was, discrimination was not gone. As we planned our own wedding a few years ago, we were faced with vendors declining us because we are gay and they didn’t agree with it.
I share all of this with you dearest hearts because right now, we would find ourselves complacent if we did not express our sadness, fears and anger over the state of our democracy. Things cannot remain businesses as usual because to many things we care about are being ripped apart.
I’m devoting time to speak up for compassion, humanity, democracy, community, and finding ways to support efforts for mutual aid, fighting racism while working to protect the right our family has worked hard to have. Equality. Weddings are a beautiful things. We’ve said it before, we’re loves biggest fans, and this remains true.
To couples who want to work with us, need pretty rentals, we’re here, just reach out. 🤍