🤣 Stay with us…
First of all Happy New Year 🥳 How quickly did that pass?!
We are fired up and ready to hit the ground running 🏃
Anyway back to being SAD
…Seasonal Affective Disorder is a state of depression that can occur at certain times of the year. For example, a substantial seasonal change such as that from December to January.
One minute your home is filled with warm fairy lights, Christmas tree’s, celebrations and laughter and then January rolls around and suddenly everything seems flat. Corners feel empty and the lighting seems harsh.
Sound familiar? You’re not alone! In fact, as many as 1 in 20 of us feel this way at this time of year 😣
There are so many small changes you can make within your home to help you overcome SAD ☺️
⬅️ Swipe for our favourite winter warmth styling tips ⬅️