Magic Unmasked: Episode 49
We’re baaaaack! Episode 49 of Magic Unmasked with H&E! Join us for fun, mayhem and MAGIC!
Magic Unmasked Episode 48
A partnership between magicians Eric Gagne & Van Baltus to help get us all through Quarantine 2020 and life.
A weekly live magic show where anything and everything goes! We think you'll dig it!
Magic Unmasked Episode 47
A partnership between magicians Eric Gagne & Van Baltus to help get us all through Quarantine 2020 and a little after!
A weekly live magic show where anything and everything goes! We think you'll dig it!
Magic Unmasked Episode 46
Come join us tonight for some shenanigans and mayhem by your two favorite magicians, H & E! Always a fun time and you never know what might happen!
Magic Unmasked Episode 45
We’re back! Come join us tonight for some shenanigans and mayhem by your two favorite magicians, H & E! Always a fun time and you never know what might happen!
Magic Unmasked Episode 44
A partnership between magicians Eric Gagne & Van Baltus that bring to you an almost weekly live magic show where anything and everything goes...including nudity! We think you'll dig it!
Magic Unmasked Episode 43
A partnership between magicians Eric Gagne & Van Baltus that bring to you an almost weekly live magic show where anything and everything goes...including nudity! We think you'll dig it!
Magic Unmasked Episode 42
A partnership between magicians Eric Gagne & Van Baltus that bring to you an almost weekly live magic show where anything and everything goes! We think you'll dig it!
Magic Unmasked Episode 41
A partnership between magicians Eric Gagne & Van Baltus that bring to you an almost weekly live magic show where anything and everything goes! We think you'll dig it!
Magic Unmasked - Episode 40
A partnership between magicians Eric Gagne & Van Baltus bringing you a live interactive magic show where anything and everything goes including possible nudity!
Time: 8:30 EST | 6:30 Merida Mexico
Magic Unmasked Episode 38
It’s time for episode 38 of our weekly LIVE magic show! Where crazy things can happen and usually do! H & E will sure to entertain you!
Magic Unmasked Episode 37
2 magicians; 1 from the Boston area and the other in Merida Mexico bringing you magic, mystery, and possibly striptease! Tonight we have a special guest.
Award-Winning Magician... Will Fern!