Saturday's show was a s**t show! Not the show itself - that was amazing! But we had a series of unfortunate events.
I kept filling 'for a few minutes', while we hoped things would get sorted. Then Bradley Storer - Cabaret Performer jumped up and filled for a bit too. Then we thought we were set, so I jumped back up to relaunch the show. More issues... I then filled for a bit longer.
Friends the filling ended up being an hour! We repeatedly checked in with the audience to see if they wanted to leave but they were enjoying the improvised chaos!
So the audience stuck with us and we ended up giving them a two-hour cabaret show. Even those who didn't get cheap tix in the flash sale got one heck of a bargain!
We couldn't get a complete cast pic, as Umbra had to leave for another gig but here's the rest of us!
Miss Phoria and Bradd Edwards helped out with tech stuff. Zo Star also stepped in (and took this photo).
What a community! What a village we are raising ourselves in!
Thank you to everyone who came along, and especially to my incredible cast/emergency crew.
And thank you The Motley Bauhaus for providing a space where this sort of thing can happen. In amongst my filling I talked about the incredible community and space that exist there and how it's akin to places of worship, for those who are into that.