Oh hi! It’s been awhile! Hope you’ve been having a nice summer! Our summer has been especially sweet. Despite disappearing from social media, I have still been growing flowers, but I’ve also been growing something a little different this summer and needed to pare down and spend my energy elsewhere ☺️ (scroll to the last pic to see what I’m talking about).
Yesterday was my birthday and I always feel a shift and an anticipation for the next season around this time. (Don’t be fooled, I am a summer girl and we still have another month of summer that I will be clinging on to) But, I know this next season will be different for me and my family and I don’t honestly know yet how that will look for Logan Hill! We shall see. I’ll be growing flowers for the rest of my life, God willing, just at different capacities.
So, I just wanted to share with my friends and loyal customers and community that I haven’t spoken to in person, the exciting news and the gratefulness I have for the last couple of years. For the love and support and friendships and opportunities and beauty exchanged.
I’m ending this growing season with DAHLIAS of course and 2 exciting fall weddings that I’m just itching to get to work on!
Much love to you all!
PS. Snuck in a cute pic of our new kitty Bramble. The kids have been begging for a cat and he just walked up our driveway one day. How could we say no this gentle hat donning kind sir?