⚠️What's up guys I've been on holiday recently so I haven't been home to work on the videos from the last infexious ⚠️
💪So now I'm back, this weekend I'll be working on them 💪
👀New Music info coming soon 👀
🔥Wow InfeXious Hardstyle thank you so much again what a night and thanks again for everyone that came to jump 🔥
⚠️If anyone has any videos of me I would love it if you could DM me them it would be much appreciated⚠️
🥵See you all soon 🥵
#xtraraw #infexioushardstyle #hakken #TheClassicGrand #klaplogen #rawstylemusic #scottishrave #rawstylefamily #rebellion #glasgow #hardstylemusic
🔥Heres a Preview of my remix of Pretty rave girl can't wait to drop the full thing at InfeXious Hardstyle 🔥🥵