*Cue emotional post*
I am a strong believer in things in life happen for a reason. You meet certain people, some teach you things and others you learn from and that’s fate. Some things go your way, other do not. I have learnt some valuable lessons over the course of 2020.
Three weeks ago I had a mad crazy idea and I embarked on this idea with three people I now class as my brothers. One I didn’t even know prior to this. But they believed in me and my vision. Now we are a family, we are united and most importantly we have respect for each other. We have gelled, we work together well and we bounce off each other. It’s been a crazy ride, so crazy we have even blown our own minds over the past 3 weeks! We are the dream team!! And we are making waves.
2021 watch out... we are coming for you.
So anyway, I’m proud to announce the launch of UK Flava
Live across the website www.ukflava.co.uk, Facebook and YouTube from 12pm on New Year’s Day!!