Thank you to the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce and City of Montgomery, Alabama Government Experience Montgomery for allowing us to be apart of the IS4S Salute to Veterans Bowl!!! Alongside the amazing Halo Effect we create masterpieces!!! Special THANKS to Ashley Jernigan for a job well done as always!🎈🏈🏈❤️ #montgomeryalabamaballoonartist #alabamaballoons #tuftexballoons #marqueeandballoons
My FAVORITE time of the year is Giving Hope at Church of the Highlands!! To have the opportunity to serve families during this holiday season is the greatest gift!! ❤️❤️❤️ #montgomeryalabamaballoonartist #alabamaballoons #COTH #GivingHope #COTHGivinghope #christmas2024 #sharingJesus Tiffany McKinney
#backtoschool2024 #tuftexballoons #montgomeryalabama #tuftex #balloonarch #MGM #balloons #montgomeryalabamaballoonartist #montgomeryal
Back to School 2024! We do NOTHING ordinary! Everything is next level!! So honored and excited to serve our community and celebrate the upcoming school year!! @followers #montgomeryalabama #montgomeryal #mgm #backtoschool #backtoschool2024 #tuftex #tuftexballoons #balloons #balloonarch
I am always creating to add to my setups to add special touches and to make them unique. I recently made some Poms Poms for a setup! They came out sooo cute!! It’s BACK TO SCHOOL season and football is just around the corner!! What color Poms Poms should I do next!!?! Shout out your school !!!📢📢📣🏈⚽️🏉🎈🙌🏽 @followers #montgomeryalabamaballoonartist #alabamaballoonartist #decor #pompoms #montgomeryalabama #balloons #balloondecorator #pompomdiy
Thank you to the Magnificent Mothers of the Montgomery Alabama Chapter of the Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Inc. for allowing me to serve you!! It is ALWAYS a pleasure!! @followers #highlights #montgomeryalabamaballoonartist #alabamaballoonartist #decor #montgomeryalabama #tuftex #backdrop #TheNest #ASU #balloons #balloondecor
Paint color match with The Home Depot using BehrPaint for the WIN!! #montgomeryalabamaballoonartist #alabamaballoonartist #montgomeryalabama #balloons #ballooncolormatch #behrpaint #thehomedepot #colormatch #DIYProjects #diy #painting #backdrop #backdropcolor #balloondecor #decor #tutorial #DIYHomeDecor #tuftex #tuftex balloons #diytutorial #alabamaballoonartist #like #share
We are so blessed to be able to share our creativity in balloon design!! We had an absolute blast with this setup for the Move Montgomery Color Run/Walk 2024!! Shout out to the original designer of these amazing columns, they were the perfect addition to our PAINT THE PARK theme! Thank you for allowing us to serve you and the people of our great city! #montgomeryalabama #montgomeryal #montgomeryalabamaballoonartist #movemontgomery #movemgm #movemgmcolorrun #colorrunballoons #colorrun2024 #colorfulballoons #trendingballoons #auburnalabamaballoonartist #tuskegeealabamaballoons #TroyALballoonartist
We are so blessed to be able to share our creativity of balloon design 🤗🎈! Shout out to the original designer of these amazing balloon columns idea (not my original creation). BUT they were the best way to “PAINT THE PARK” for the Move Montgomery Color Walk/Run 2024!! We had such a blast creating this masterpiece!! Thank you for allowing us to serve you and the people of this great city!! #montgomeryalabama #montgomeryal #montgomeryalballoons #montgomeryalabamaballoonartisr #auburnalabamaballoons #troyalabamaballoons #tuskegeealabamaballoons #trendingballoons #colorrun #colorrunballoondecor #tuftex #tuftexballoons
We are so blessed to share our creativity of balloon design!! 🤗🎈Shout to the original designer of these amazing columns (not my original creation), but they were the perfect addition to the Move Montgomery Color Run Walk/Run 2024! We painted the Park and we had a blast with this colorFUL setup!! Thank you for allowing us to serve you and the people of this great city! #montgomeryalabama #montgomeryal #montgomeryballoons #montgomeryalabamaballoonartist #alabamaballoonartist #auburn balloonartist #troyalabamaballoon artist #movemontgomery #movemgm #trendingballoons #colorrun #colorrunballoons #tuftex #tuftexballoons
This job doesn’t include all the glitzy attire and glamourous photo ops most of the time, BUT stay tuned for the ending 🤗!! I’m so grateful for every opportunity to serve. Contact us today to make your event, EXTRAORDINARY!🎈🎈 #montgomeryalabama #montgomeryal #montgomeryalabamaballoonartist #mgm #balloonartist #balloondesigner #balloons #balloondecor #montgomeryalabamaevents #montgomeryalballoondecor Tiffany McKinney
Where are my Deltas?!!! Flashback to Delta en Rouge all Red affair!!! Like and share if you enjoyed this event!! ❤️❤️❤️🎈 #montgomeryalabama #montgomeryal #montgomeryalabamaballoons #unionstation #trainshed #delta #deltasigmatheta #balloons #redballoons #tuftex #tuftexballoons