DJ SkapeGoat

DJ SkapeGoat The Official Page of DJ SkapeGoat! Hail Satan!


I've been spending most of my time outside of work just creating and doing research again, steering clear of all social media as much as possible, treating it like the mental and emotional plague that it is.
It's been good. Really healthy and satisfying just going internal again and not worrying about who's doing and saying what online and feeling as if I need to counter it, reminding others that we're all human, in this together and to come back to the center again rather than swinging so far into the irrational, knee-jerk, emotional and fanatical extremes.
I've mostly stopped attempting to offer rationale and solutions in an environment where they're unwelcome. Where polarization and division are the points rather than just byproducts of social interactions.
Being back in the creative flow again has been interesting and extremely refreshing. It's been many years for me. I've missed it more than I realized and it's brought me back in touch with the personal inner workings of my thoughts and ideas.
Most of what is considered creativity today is sort of a competition of repetition more than anything, from what I've witnessed. It's a bent toward what sells and what's popular more than actual, raw internal creativity from the source itself. The real thing has a VERY different flavor. It's not based on any external influences or guidelines. I HIGHLY recommend it! 😉
As satisfying as it's been, a funny thing happens about halfway through the creative process. I start to question myself. A sort of doubt or imposter syndrome kicks in and I begin to wonder if what I'm doing is any good in reality. It really doesn't matter if it is or not, that looming dread rears it's ugly head again no matter what and forces me to try to view it from a different perspective and maybe even get honest external opinions if I feel it's truly necessary.
I usually see every project to completion but the feeling remains...does this suck? Even if it does, it's ok. It's the journey that counts, and it's FAR more fulfilling than most of the time I've ever spent on any social media platform.



I'd like to permanently migrate off of this cesspool of hatred and fanatical bias to a platform full of rational people, free of group think propaganda and rhetoric tempered with blanketed calls for cancelling and murdering anyone who doesn't just blindly agree with the mainstream narratives 110%. Any suggestions of a place where we can have inconvenient and uncomfortable adult conversations about our shared reality without fear of being lynched by mentally ill lunatics? Are you somewhere else and afraid to mention it publicly for fear of the "diversity-minded, tolerant and inclusive" cancel mob coming after you to destroy your life and plan your murder? DM me so we can move elsewhere together and start with a fresh slate free of this disgusting sewer of intolerant hatred and violence.

We have so many options today. SURELY this bitter and stubborn old dinosaur of a platform isn't the best we can do! 😮‍💨

Much Love and Respect! 🖤


The historical separation of the exoteric and esoteric realms of knowledge is often misunderstood as a deliberate control mechanism employed by elites to hoard power and keep the masses ignorant. While true that most of the elite political and religious groups of today have abused this separation and used it to their advantage throughout history to exert control in order to gain power over and extract profit from the masses, the ACTUAL roots of this division lie in the recognition of the dangers posed by unchecked groupthink and the fanatical ignorance of excitable masses who, rather than engaging in individual thought and research, adopt the beliefs of their social or ideological group as their own. This uncritical conformity to collective ideas often leads to harm—both reputational and physical—when these individuals, convinced of their own virtue, act without evidence or nuanced understanding. This cycle has repeatedly shown that what is deemed virtuous by the group can become a justification for violence, exclusion, and even the destruction of lives and businesses.

Throughout history, human societies have struggled with the tension between individual discernment and the tendency of the masses to fall into echo chambers. Groupthink, where individuals conform to the prevailing views of their community or social circle, often drowns out dissenting or nuanced voices. More troublingly, this phenomenon leads to the adoption of beliefs or ideologies without rigorous questioning or evidence. These unexamined beliefs, when acted upon, can cause immense harm, particularly when directed at individuals or groups who are scapegoated for their perceived difference or deviance from the norm.

The initiation process within esoteric traditions was not born out of a desire to exclude but rather as a safeguard against the destructive potential of this dynamic. Initiation served as a gradual process of preparing individuals to grasp deeper truths responsibly, only after demonstrating sufficient maturity, discernment, and a capacity for critical thought. The esoteric truths—often complex and counterintuitive—were deliberately kept hidden from those unready to understand or wield them wisely, not out of elitism but out of a recognition of the potential for misuse when such truths were misinterpreted or weaponized by the unprepared.

This approach was not rooted in a disdain for the masses but in the recognition of human nature's susceptibility to emotional, unexamined reactions. When profound truths are laid bare without proper context or preparation, they are easily misunderstood, leading to distortion and harm. The gradual revelation of esoteric knowledge allowed practitioners to integrate these truths at a pace that ensured their ethical application and comprehension. It also acted as a filter, ensuring that those who advanced in understanding were not only intellectually capable but also morally and emotionally prepared to handle the implications.

The modern world provides countless examples of how the lack of such a system can lead to harm. Social media platforms, for instance, amplify groupthink, where half-truths and emotional appeals spread faster than verifiable facts. Individuals often adopt the rhetoric of the groups they associate with, acting on beliefs that they have not critically examined as if they were their own. The result is often catastrophic: reputations are destroyed through mob justice, businesses are boycotted or shut down based on misinformation, and, in extreme cases, individuals are harmed or killed under the belief that such actions serve a virtuous cause. This phenomenon reflects the very cycle of harm that esoteric traditions sought to prevent.

By placing a structured initiation process at the center of esoteric teachings, ancient systems aimed to cultivate practitioners who could break free from the limitations of groupthink. The gradual unveiling of deeper truths encouraged self-reflection, critical analysis, and personal accountability—traits that inoculated the initiate against the blind fanaticism that often accompanies unearned or misunderstood knowledge. This process was as much about developing character as it was about acquiring knowledge, ensuring that wisdom could be wielded responsibly rather than destructively.

In conclusion, the separation of the exoteric and esoteric was not a cynical strategy of control but a recognition of human nature's vulnerabilities. It aimed to shield deeper truths from being weaponized by those unready to understand them and to cultivate individuals who could approach such knowledge with the responsibility and maturity it requires. This ancient recognition remains relevant today, as the unchecked spread of misinformation and groupthink continues to demonstrate the importance of fostering critical thought, individual accountability, and the gradual development of wisdom. Without such safeguards, the cycle of harm perpetuated by fanatical ignorance will only continue.

Much Love and Respect! 🤘💚🤘


When you're hesitant to associate with someone who has done no harm—neither to you nor anyone else—simply because you fear retaliation or judgment from the leader of your organization, religious community, or political group, it's a red flag that you may be entangled in a cult-like environment. Healthy groups, whether they're social, spiritual, or ideological, thrive on diversity of thought, mutual respect, and the encouragement of individual agency. In contrast, groups that foster fear of reprisal for independent thinking often cross into dangerous, authoritarian territory.

Cult Dynamics and Control Mechanisms

One of the hallmark traits of a cult is the centralization of power in the hands of a leader who demands unquestioning loyalty. This leader may use tactics like belittling dissenters, ostracizing individuals who question their authority, or spreading smear campaigns against perceived threats. These methods serve to instill fear and suppress critical thinking, creating an environment where members self-censor to avoid being targeted.

If you find yourself unable to make personal decisions—like associating with someone deemed “unacceptable” by the group—without fearing retaliation, you're not in a space that values your autonomy. Instead, you're likely in a system that prioritizes control and obedience over individuality and fairness.

The Importance of Positive, Supportive Communities

True leadership inspires rather than controls. A leader worth following encourages dialogue, accepts constructive criticism, and fosters an atmosphere of mutual growth and understanding. In contrast, a leader who attacks, belittles, or threatens dissenters is not seeking to guide but to dominate. Associating with such individuals or remaining under their influence only perpetuates the cycle of fear and control.

If the environment around you discourages critical thinking, civil discourse, or the exploration of new ideas, it’s worth reevaluating your involvement. Healthy communities lift people up, celebrate diverse perspectives, and encourage personal growth. They do not demand conformity at the expense of individuality or use fear as a tool for compliance.

The Dangers of Staying in a Cult-Like Environment

Remaining in an environment governed by fear, manipulation, and authoritarian control can have long-term psychological, emotional, and even physical consequences. It stifles creativity, crushes self-esteem, and creates a toxic dependency on the leader or the group. Ultimately, no positive outcomes emerge from such an environment unless you are complicit in perpetuating its oppressive dynamics.

Choosing to distance yourself from such a group or leader isn’t just an act of self-preservation; it’s a declaration of your commitment to living with integrity, reason, and courage. Freedom of thought and association are non-negotiable aspects of a healthy, fulfilling life.

A Final Thought

Fear should never dictate your relationships or your thoughts. If associating with someone—even in a civil, rational, and kind manner—provokes threats or consequences from your leaders, then you’re dealing with more than a bad leader. You’re dealing with a manipulative, abusive system. Strive to surround yourself with people who inspire and uplift you. Avoid those who belittle, attack, and control. Freedom of thought and association is your right, and no leader or group should take that away from you. If they try, it’s time to leave.

Much Love and Respect! 🖤


When we're constantly attacked, insulted, belittled and unjustly smeared by unresearched, self-righteous, ideological fascists just for caring, educating and trying to help, it's no longer worth the effort and it's time to refocus on ourselves and our small, immediate circle of friends and families that actually matter and are receptive to evidence-based facts. It's more logical to spend our time, energy and efforts where they're appreciated, rather than to continue wasting them where they aren't. This is simply what's best for our mental health and general sense of well-being.
Take care! 🖤


If your life is filled with misery, conflict, hatred, and stress, it may be time to re-evaluate the beliefs and ideologies driving your actions. Chronic stress and negativity have measurable effects on your physical and mental health, including elevated cortisol levels, increased risk of heart disease, and can cause anxiety and depression. While it’s natural to seek comfort in beliefs, relying on personal fantasies or religions just to escape the stress of conflicting ideologies isn’t a healthy solution either, as it can also lead to delusions and mental illness. Instead, seek knowledge and beliefs grounded in evidence-based facts—ones that promote understanding, personal growth, and balance. Choosing a path based on reason and well-being can help you break free from cycles of unnecessary stress and negativity, leading to a more fulfilling, healthier life.

Much Love and Respect! 🖤


Many who identify as anti-establishment pride themselves on rejecting authority, questioning narratives, and resisting mainstream influence. However, in practice, these same individuals often embrace the latest dominant narrative, especially when it aligns with their ideological leanings. Rather than scrutinizing all perspectives with equal rigor, they may unquestioningly adopt positions championed by media or political figures aligned with their worldview, mistaking this selective allegiance for critical thinking.

This tendency undermines their claim to anti-establishment status, as their adherence to fashionable ideologies often mirrors the compliance they ostensibly oppose.

Echo Chambers and Groupthink

The open-mindedness professed by many in these circles can also ring hollow. While diversity of thought is championed in theory, in practice, these spaces often devolve into echo chambers. Groupthink dominates, and dissenting voices are either suppressed or vilified. This creates an environment where individuals feel compelled to conform to avoid social ostracism, stifling the robust debates necessary for genuine intellectual diversity.

Instead of fostering inclusion, such behavior cultivates exclusivity, where only those who adhere strictly to the prevailing narrative are deemed worthy of belonging. Ironically, this mirrors the oppressive systems they claim to resist.

The Weaponization of Compassion

Compassion, another value frequently championed by these individuals, is often selectively applied. While they advocate for empathy and understanding, this kindness is often withheld from those who hold differing opinions. Instead, dissenters are caricatured, dehumanized, and subjected to personal attacks. Ad hominem tactics—personal attacks rather than addressing the argument itself—are alarmingly common. Critics are often painted with sweeping, baseless assumptions, with the attacker claiming an almost psychic knowledge of their motives, character, and entire life history.

After launching these attacks, they often attempt to derail the conversation entirely, shifting the focus away from the original discussion. By diverting attention from substantive points to irrelevant personal critiques or tangents, they sidestep having to engage with the core argument. This tactic not only stifles meaningful dialogue but also serves to invalidate dissent without ever addressing it on its merits.

The Double Standard of Evidence

An especially frustrating dynamic arises when these individuals demand evidence for claims they disagree with. When evidence is provided, it is often dismissed as "confirmation bias," regardless of its merit. This rhetorical tactic allows them to sidestep engaging with facts that challenge their worldview while simultaneously providing little to no evidence for their own claims. Furthermore, when faced with counterarguments, the conversation often devolves into a combination of personal attacks and efforts to derail the discussion with unrelated accusations or irrelevant deflections.

This double standard erodes meaningful dialogue, as it creates a scenario where no amount of proof is sufficient to foster mutual understanding or resolve disagreements. The conversation becomes less about truth and more about posturing and maintaining ideological dominance.

The Fear of Complexity

This behavior may stem from an aversion to complexity. It is easier to adopt a singular narrative and defend it dogmatically than to grapple with the messy realities of nuanced issues. Dissenting voices threaten this simplicity, forcing individuals to confront the possibility that their worldview is incomplete or flawed. To avoid this discomfort, they often default to silencing critics rather than engaging in constructive dialogue. When personal attacks and derailing tactics are introduced, it becomes evident that the goal is not truth-seeking but preserving the safety of their echo chamber.

Implications and Consequences

1. Erosion of Trust: When those who claim to champion truth and diversity betray these principles, they erode trust in their movements. Observers begin to question whether these values are genuinely held or merely performative.

2. Polarization: This dynamic exacerbates societal polarization. By vilifying dissent, these groups contribute to an "us vs. them" mentality, making it harder to find common ground.

3. Stagnation: Intellectual and cultural progress relies on the free exchange of ideas. When dissent is suppressed, opportunities for growth and innovation are lost.

4. Personal Alienation: The reliance on personal attacks, baseless assumptions, and conversation derailment alienates potential allies. Those willing to engage in good faith may withdraw, unwilling to endure the hostility and diversions directed at them for merely questioning prevailing norms.

Resolution: Reclaiming Authenticity

To address this contradiction, individuals and groups must reflect on their own behavior and biases. This means:

Practicing Intellectual Honesty: Questioning not just opposing narratives but also those that align with their worldview. This includes engaging with evidence fairly, even when it contradicts personal beliefs, and refraining from dismissing arguments with ad hominem tactics or unfounded assumptions.

Fostering True Inclusivity: Creating spaces where diverse perspectives can be shared and debated respectfully, free from fear of dismissal, ostracism, or personal attacks.

Providing Evidence and Engaging Respectfully: If evidence is demanded, it should be reviewed critically and with an open mind. Similarly, those making claims should be willing to provide evidence themselves, adhering to the same standards they impose on others.

Avoiding Derailment Tactics: Staying focused on the argument rather than redirecting discussions to irrelevant personal attacks or tangents. This commitment to constructive dialogue helps to maintain intellectual integrity.

Embracing Complexity: Accepting that truth is often multifaceted and resisting the urge to oversimplify. Genuine intellectual exploration requires a willingness to engage with discomfort and uncertainty.

Avoiding Personal Attacks: Recognizing that attacking the person rather than the argument undermines both credibility and the opportunity for meaningful dialogue. Sweeping generalizations about someone's character or motives reveal more about the attacker’s biases than the validity of the argument.


Ultimately, being truly anti-establishment, open-minded, and compassionate requires not just claiming these values but embodying them consistently—even when it is uncomfortable or inconvenient. Without this authenticity, the movements that claim to champion these ideals risk becoming the very forces of conformity and oppression they seek to oppose.

By committing to intellectual honesty, fairness, and genuine inclusivity, these groups can reclaim their integrity and foster a culture of true diversity and progress, rather than one of division and stagnation. Recognizing and resisting the temptation to devolve into personal attacks, derailment, and baseless assumptions is a crucial step toward creating a healthier and more productive discourse.

Much Love and Respect! 🖤


I just had a conversation with someone I haven't seen in a year. He was in rough shape, barely walking and now has slurred speech. I asked him how he's been and he said that he just got out of the hospital after being in there for almost a year. I asked what happened and he said that he got the "C-nineteen shot" and immediately after, had a heart attack, a stroke and went into a coma for 2 months. He said they told him that he would never walk again and that he should have been brain dead. Luckily he recovered. After all that, he got "C" 2 weeks after he got out of the hospital anyway.
He then told me that a couple who were long time friends of his did the same thing and they were literally dead the very next day and that the nurses that were attending to him told him that they don't recommend anyone getting it because just before him, 30 other people came in with the exact same issues. Now, he can barely walk or talk and has permanent numbness throughout his limbs.
I made him aware that I have a friend who deals with the dead on a daily basis and is responsible for their prep. He said that what he's seen in people who have "died of C" and had "the shot" is unlike anything he's ever seen in his entire career. During the embalming process, they're now having to pull purple, rubbery goo out of peoples veins, arteries and hearts because it's blocking the fluid from circulating through the bodies. This was never seen in anyone before "the shot."
I could go into hundreds of personal accounts of people I know who have had similar experiences but I'm sure everyone has similar stories. You're just afraid to share them for fear of being called all manner of things and shunned from your "totally superior, rational and righteous, trust the science, bruh" communities that know more than you after doing no research on the matter themselves.
Why would I share this? What do I have to gain? Do you think this is funny or a game to me? People have died because of this. People I know have suffered immensely because of this. This isn't a joke. The elites have experimented on us for profit as they always do. Nothing new. They don't care about us, so we have to care about each other. THAT'S the ONLY reason why I shared this. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones! Stop being obedient and following the herd. Do your own research before making rash, panic decisions and unvetted claims.

Much Love and Respect! 🖤


Now that ol' Zuck has come out and openly admitted EVERYTHING that many of us were trying to tell others about for YEARS, like shadow banning, censorship, biased fact checkers, government meddling, dissenter account deletions, misinformation, disinformation, lies, deceit, narrative manipulation and so on that caused the loss of tens of thousands of lives, how's everyone feel about us "tinfoil hat, crazy conspiracy nuts" now!?

It's ALL been proven to be FACTS from the source himself! Nothing to see here, right? Just move along like nothing ever happened and pretend you didn't attack us, mock us and try to cancel us and ruin our lives, acting so superior and righteous in your blatant fu***ng VOLUNTARY ignorance!

No! You don't get to be forgiven for treating us like subhuman s**t and trying to destroy us in every way possible with your cancel mobs, just for caring enough to warn you, nor will we welcome you back into our lives again! Go f**k yourselves and drown in your pool of cognitive dissonance!

Wake up and do your own research for once in your goddamn lives rather than just blindly believing whatever the mainstream narrative is that you're being force fed by your Cult Leaders and their mockingbird subordinates, you stupid fu***ng Sheep! 🖕🤘🖕


Hello, believers, blamers, cancel mobs and desperate, pathetic, bored, self-righteous, manipulative, hateful, vindictive, mentally ill, hacker, stalker, pieces of s**t masquerading as "the good guys."

I'm SkapeGoat! The whipping boy in your mythology of blame. I'm not a person or even a concept—no, I'm the force behind everything you fear, loathe, and refuse to understand. You’ve cast me as the orchestrator of clandestine organizations, supposed Satanic ritual sacrifices, systemic abuse, and every global catastrophe in between.

Let’s take stock of my supposed accomplishments, shall we?

Clandestine organizations? Every last one bows to me. The Illuminati has to get my approval on their plans. The Rothschilds, BlackRock, Vanguard, Soros, Schwab—they’re not power brokers; they’re my interns. The New World Order? I drafted the charter myself. It's all coming along as planned, we're just running a little behind schedule because you guys refuse to just S**U and obey!

Satanic ritual sacrifices? Not only do I perform them, I perfected them, right? Every blood-soaked altar, every heavy metal lyric turned "incantation," every unthinkable act—you’ve attributed it all to me, (the dark conductor of your deepest fears) because it's certainly not just some mentally ill as****es pretending to be Satanists, who have CLEARLY never even read the Satanic Bible or they'd KNOW that it explicitly states that you don't do that kind of s**t whatsoever!

Epstein’s s*x trafficking network? Sure! Why not? When you’re creating the ultimate villain, why stop short of the unthinkable? I built the tunnels myself, right? Too bad you had to expose my whole operation and make me have to burn chunks of Maui to the ground with my lasers just to get you back and start over from scratch!

Imaginary cancer? Absolutely! I cursed you using a black magick spell I did with a bunch of people I've never met at a location that I've never been to, for absolutely no reason, right? You’re welcome, by the way—it’s not every day you get to use fraudulent suffering to swindle compassionate people out of money and then attempt to extort even more money from them via blackmail after you hack their computers, steal their information and intentionally misrepresent them in every negative way possible to make them look bad when they don't comply with your demands...then proceed to stalk and harass you, your friends, your families and even your acquaintances, making hundreds of fake profiles on every platform, trying to keep tabs on you and everyone you know for the rest of her pathetic, miserable, schizophrenic life...while periodically sending creepy messages to you about how she's always watching you and how she's going to come to where you live just to watch you and kill herself if you don't talk to her (after being documented voluntarily admitting that everything she said about me was fabricated and that she was sorry and would stop harassing us, blaming others for "misinforming her"...only to continue doing the same s**t as usual), just to remind you of what a fu***ng mentally ill creep she really is. All this while posing as an "enlightened healer" who gives others advice so she can gain their trust, sympathy and set them up for blackmail and extortion as well. Oh,...and she thinks she's a bird alien! (You can't make this s**t up!) You're giving me some REAL competition there! That's some NEXT LEVEL Evil insanity I can't even stoop to take credit for!

It doesn’t stop there! Oh no! I’m not just in the shadows manipulating the power elite and feeding babies to Lizard People for the Devil—I’m blamed for every personal, historical, and existential failure imaginable:

The economic collapses that leave nations in ruins? I orchestrate them all so that the rich and powerful remain rich and powerful, and the rest of you stay in your cages fighting for scraps where you belong.

Entire civilizations that crumbled into ruin? They got too hip to the game so I had to "reset" them, just like I'm doing right now with this one.

The children you believe I’ve harmed and kidnapped? They’re busy building the monumental walls of ignorance in your head that keep you confined within your false reality made of cognitive dissonance and blame-shifting.

Your flat tire? I poked it with my Horns just to ruin your day!

Oh...and I'm also secretly a REAL Dragon! How cool...I mean that!? (You really can't make this s**t up, right?) 😐

You see, this myth you’ve built around me isn’t about my actions; it’s about your fears. I’m not a person to you—I’m the embodiment of your inability to face the randomness of existence. A scapegoat is convenient because it simplifies the world. If everything is my fault, then nothing is your responsibility.

It’s not enough for me to be accused of atrocities; no, the accusations MUST be absolute. I don’t merely influence—according to you, I control. Every tragedy, every misstep, every failure MUST somehow trace back to me. Because if it doesn’t, then you might have to admit that the universe isn’t conspiring against you—that maybe, just maybe, life is messy, indifferent, and often cruel.

Let’s not pretend this is about me. This is about YOU. Your need for certainty. Your inability to sit with ambiguity. Your desperate craving for a villain to explain why your world feels so broken. And because I don’t apologize, don’t conform, and don’t exist to make you feel safe, I’m the perfect target; a Satanist. How convenient and original.

So fine. If I must be the villain, let’s embrace it together! Let’s make it a tradition. Write your lists of accusations. Turn me into the villain of your wildest fantasies. What did you blame me for last year, and what will you blame me for this year? Make it sting! If you can't think of anything, just make it up as usual! Make a dart board with my face in the center of it, hit the bullseye and make it stick!

The irony is, your stories don’t make me weaker—they make me stronger. Every lie you tell, every bit of fabricated "evidence" and every sin you cast my way, adds another layer to the myth of SkapeGoat. At this point, I’m no longer a person; I’m an idea. The embodiment of every truth you can’t bare to face.

In reality, you don’t hate me because of anything I've supposedly done, you hate me because I don’t care about your expectations. I don’t grovel. I don’t explain myself. And I certainly don’t exist to make you feel safe and validated!

So go ahead and blame me for the Globalists, the New World Order, the supposed Satanic ritual sacrifices, the abused and missing children, the tragedies you can’t explain, your fake cancer meal ticket and your flat tire. Blame me for your despair, your disillusionment, and the void within yourself that you’ve never dared to confront because you're always too busy blaming someone else for your own self-inflicted shortcomings rather than accepting accountability for your actions and just working on yourself.

After all, I’m SkapeGoat, and the sins you assign to me say far more about YOU than they EVER could about me!

Hail Satan and go f**k yourself!



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