Sophie's Costume Corner is officially open for your Purim costume needs! Please click here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zPo2D5dPAMCR2BEXF7fVfothqLyRkJxMcI5pH8RaWJM/edit?usp=sharing to browse through our costume inventory. When you have found a costume you would like to borrow, please fill out the Google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf9_RLwtIapjYiobhew_jybGnFTq_NFCG8llu2pJ9SQEPHy6g/viewform to reserve a costume. Any costume crossed out on the inventory is not available. If you reserve by Sunday March 3rd at 11:59 PM, you will be able to pick up the costume starting Wednesday March 6th. We will have more pick up opportunities for those who reserve later as needed.
Although we don't have an official suggested or required donation, we could use some small donations to help purchase additional storage bins and other materials that are needed as our inventory grows.
If you would like to contribute financially, below are your options:
1. If a tax receipt is required you can make a donation through the Shomrei Torah Charity Fund and be sure to mark in the comments "Costume Corner". If you choose this route, we would appreciate if you would email [email protected] or [email protected] to notify us that you have submitted a donation through the charity fund for the costume corner so that we can be sure these get earmarked correctly.
2. If you do not require a tax receipt you can make a donation via venmo (-fleischer-maline) or zelle ([email protected]) and be sure to note in the comments that it is for the costume corner.
3. You can purchase bins and other items directly from our wishlist found here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QlzKEmk6Tips9YUt9hBiMwteIowlU0-P8JuV5V83I8U/edit?usp=sharing
Sophie's Costume Corner was created in loving memory of Sophie Spangenthal z"L. Thank you for borrowing from Sophie's Costume Corner and continuing to share Sophie's magic with the world.
Happy Purim!