新營英語演講會 Shin Ying Toastmasters Club

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新營英語演講會 Shin Ying Toastmasters Club This is an English Club in Shin Ying, Tainan, Taiwan. Feel free to join us.

✨ SYTC特別例會-多語言大會師 ✨🎉 主題:The First Time in Life 🎉你是否曾經嘗試過一件讓你印象深刻的「第一次」?也許是第一次克服恐懼、學會新技能,或是勇敢踏出舒適圈。這次的例會將帶大家一起探索那些影響我們人生的...

✨ SYTC特別例會-多語言大會師 ✨
🎉 主題:The First Time in Life 🎉


🌟 這次例會的特色? 🌟
首次舉辦 多語言例會!這是一場融合 中文、台語、英文 的特別活動,不僅能體驗多元文化語言的魅力,更是磨練溝通和演講技巧的最佳機會!

✨ Learn together, empower each other✨

SYTC Meeting #412
📅 日期:113/12/17 (Tue.)
🕒 時間: 19:00~21:00
(18:45 即可入場 check-in available)

加入 Zoom線上會議
會議ID: 854 8178 8827
密碼: 402166

#公眾演說 #英文 #領導力 #演講 #個人成長 #自信 #新營


SYTC Meeting # 411
Date: December 3, 2024
Time: 19:00~21:00
Location: 5F, No. 115, Zhongshan Rd., Shinying District (新營區中山路115號5樓)
Meeting Theme: When Life Gives You Lemons

Alex Chandra was the Toastmaster of the Meeting. He chose the meeting theme "When Life Gives You Lemons" because it fitted his situation, where he faced some life challenges.

The variety session master was Will Wang. People had to guess some Christmas songs. Some were easy to guess, some were not.

The meeting had three prepared speakers. The first speaker was Joy Wang, who asked herself a question, "Who defines me?" The second speaker, Darren Lin, shared his experience of "Finding opportunities in
challenges." The third speaker, Camila Wu, spoke about "Aging and Wisdom."

Ian Chen was the Table Topics Master. He prepared questions about the theme "Lemon" differently, not as a challenge but as food. The speakers in the Table Topics were Gina Wu, Camila Wu, and Chin-Chi Lai.

Carol Chou was the General Evaluator. The speech evaluators were Chin-Chi Lai, Gina Wu, and Joy Wang. They provide constructive feedback to help speakers improve their communication skills.

The grammarian, Steve Huang, encouraged members to be mindful of their language and to become more polished speakers over time. The General Evaluator, Carol Chou, comprehensively evaluated the meeting in general.

The best speakers were:
Best prepared speaker: Joy Wang
Best table topics speaker: Camila Wu
Best individual evaluator: Chin-Chi Lai

🍋 When Life Gives You Lemons 🍋 Toastmasters例會又來囉~ ✨ 人生並非總是一帆風順。挑戰、挫折,以及突如其來的變化,有時候會讓我們感到措手不及。但如果生活給我們的每一顆檸檬,其實都是創造非凡的機會呢...

🍋 When Life Gives You Lemons 🍋 Toastmasters例會又來囉~ ✨


✨ 加入我們,學習如何將人生的「酸時刻」變成甜美的成功!

✨ Learn together, empower each other✨

SYTC Meeting #411
📅 日期:113/12/3 (Tue.)
🕒 時間: 19:00~21:00
(18:45 即可入場 check-in available)

加入 Zoom線上會議
會議ID: 854 8178 8827
密碼: 402166

#公眾演說 #英文 #領導力 #演講 #個人成長 #自信 #新營


SYTC Meeting # 410
Date: November 19, 2024
Time: 19:00~21:00
Location: 5F, No. 115, Zhongshan Rd., Shinying District (新營區中山路115號5樓)
Meeting Theme: Gratitude

Camila Wu was the Toastmaster of the Meeting. Gratitude was chosen as the meeting theme because Thanksgiving would be celebrated on November 28, 2024.

The variety session master was Gina Wu. She led a Taboo game. People had to guess a word without mentioning the taboo words.

The meeting had three prepared speakers. The first speaker was Steve Huang, who told a story about his experience as president of SYTC. The second speaker, Darren Lin, talked about how "The Power of Mentorship
and Community" in Toastmasters has helped him to grow. The third speaker, Chinchi Lai, spoke about how to utilize ChatGPT for experiential learning.

Chinchi Lai was the Table Topics Master. She prepared questions about the theme "Gratitude." The speakers in the Table Topics were Alex Chandra, Yun Her, Will Wang, and Joy Wang.

Joy Wang was the General Evaluator. The speech evaluators were Will Wang, Rita Lin, and Carol Chou. They gave their evaluation based on the speech objectives.

The grammarian, Alex Chandra, highlighted good language use and suggested improvements. The General Evaluator, Joy Wang, praised all assignment takers for their support in the meeting.

The best speakers were:
Best prepared speaker: Darren Lin
Best table topics speaker: Joy Wang
Best individual evaluator: Rita Lin

📢📢📢K 部 open house 就在今天下午 1:30-4:00(1:00報到)天佑吾也,中午過後雨就停了。沒有報名的會員朋友,也歡迎參加大家一起來聆聽瑞信老師、Doris 前總會長與善藝術創辦人的演講與分享還有WiWi, 芳珍準備的點...


K 部 open house 就在今天下午 1:30-4:00(1:00報到)



大家一起來聆聽瑞信老師、Doris 前總會長與善藝術創辦人的演講與分享

還有WiWi, 芳珍準備的點心、茶、咖啡





✨Gratitude! Toastmasters例會又來囉~ ✨ 🌟 一起體驗感恩的力量!🌟隨著一年即將結束,這正是反思生活中讓我們心存感激的人事物的好時機。誠摯邀請您參加本週例會,我們的主題是 「感恩」!讓我們一起探索感恩如何不僅改變我們...

✨Gratitude! Toastmasters例會又來囉~ ✨

🌟 一起體驗感恩的力量!🌟

誠摯邀請您參加本週例會,我們的主題是 「感恩」!讓我們一起探索感恩如何不僅改變我們的生活,也提升我們的溝通和領導能力。


✨ Learn together, empower each other✨

SYTC Meeting #410
📅 日期:113/11/19 (Tue.)
🕒 時間: 19:00~21:00
(18:45 即可入場 check-in available)

加入 Zoom線上會議
會議ID: 854 8178 8827
密碼: 402166

#公眾演說 #英文 #領導力 #演講 #個人成長 #自信 #新營 #感恩


SYTC Meeting # 409
Date: November 5, 2024
Time: 19:00~21:00
Location: 5F, No. 115, Zhongshan Rd., Shinying District (新營區中山路115號5樓)
Meeting Theme: Typhoon

Steve Huang was the Toastmaster of the Meeting. He chose the meeting theme "Typhoon" simply because Typhoon Kong-rey bashed Taiwan a week earlier.

The variety session master was Alex Chandra. He led the "4 Pics 1 Word" game. People had to guess one word based on the relation between 4 pictures, the number of letters, and the scrambled letters. Sometimes, it was easy, and sometimes it was not, which made the game fun!

The meeting had three prepared speakers. The first speaker was Darren Lin, who explained "How Programmers Build Functional Systems" based on how programmers think. The second speaker, Scott Hsu, talked about how his Toastmasters mentor helped him grow in his journey. The third speaker, Jomei Tsai, spoke about "What I lost" and how to deal with it.

Ian Chen was the Table Topics Master. He prepared questions about the theme "Typhoon." The speakers in the Table Topics were Chin-Chi Lai, Carol Chou, Joy Wang, and Camila Wu.

Gina Wu was the General Evaluator. The speech evaluators were Chin-Chi Lai, Joy Wang, and Doreen Huang. They gave their evaluation based on their observations about the speech strengths and offered suggestions about what could be improved.

The grammarian, Camila Wu, monitored the language used during the meeting and gave feedback on improving it. The General Evaluator, Gina Wu, gave general feedback about the meeting.

The best speakers were:
Best prepared speakers: Scott Hsu
Best table topics speaker: Camila Wu
Best individual evaluator: Joy Wang

🌪️ ✨Typhoon! Toastmasters例會又來囉~ ✨ 🌪️🌟當颱風來臨時,除了注意安全,待在家裡的那段時間大家都做了些什麼?是窩在沙發上追劇,還是終於有機會打掃堆積已久的角落?或者,曾經有什麼讓你印象深刻颱風回憶?💬如果你也曾...

🌪️ ✨Typhoon! Toastmasters例會又來囉~ ✨ 🌪️

✨ Learn together, empower each other✨

SYTC Meeting #409
📅 日期:113/11/5 (Tue.)
🕒 時間: 19:00~21:00
(18:45 即可入場 check-in available)

加入 Zoom線上會議
會議ID: 854 8178 8827
密碼: 402166

#公眾演說 #英文 #領導力 #演講 #個人成長 #自信 #新營 #颱風


SYTC Meeting # 408
Date: October 22, 2024
Time: 19:00~21:00
Location: 5F, No. 115, Zhongshan Rd., Shinying District (新營區中山路115號5樓)
Meeting Theme: Self-love

Joy Wang was the Toastmaster of the Meeting. She chose the meeting theme "Self-love," which means we appreciate our values and accept our imperfections.

The variety session master was Darren Lin. He led a game called "Describe the Picture." People had to make a story based on the picture. The game stimulated people's creativity.

The meeting had three prepared speakers. The first speaker was Alex Chandra, who gave a humorous speech titled "My Wife is Always Right." The second speaker, Gina Wu, talked about how "Concentration" is needed everywhere, including cooking. The third speaker, Steve Huang, spoke about the passing of his elementary school friend due to cancer.

Ian Chen was the Table Topics Master. He prepared questions about expressing "Self-love." The speakers in the Table Topics were Chin-Chi Lai, Grace Chen, and Joy Wang.

Chin-Chi Lai was the General Evaluator. The speech evaluators were Emerson Lai, Grace Chen, and Darren Lin. They gave careful and constructive feedback.

The Grammarian, Sophia Chiu, briefly reported the language used during the meeting. The General Evaluator, Chin-Chi Lai, assessed the quality of the entire meeting in the end.

The best speakers were:
Best prepared speakers: Alex Chandra
Best table topics speaker: Grace Chen
Best individual evaluator: Emerson Lai



SYTC Meeting # 407
Date: October 8, 2024
Time: 19:00~21:00
Location: 5F, No. 115, Zhongshan Rd., Shinying District (新營區中山路115號5樓)
Meeting Theme: Peace and Tranquility

Camila Wu was the Toastmaster of the Meeting. She chose the meeting theme because nowadays, we get distracted quite easily by various phone apps. Our phones are useful tools, but they may take away our peace.

The variety session master was Anna Wu. She conducted the "Guess Who I Am" game. People asked Yes/No questions to guess which character was the one. It was fun and brought laughter.

The meeting had three prepared speakers. The first speaker was Darren Line, who talked about Efficient Learning: from Memory to Mastery. The second speaker, Rita Lin, shared her public relation strategies within her organization. The third speaker, Doreen Huang, spoke about her e-newslettter project to promote Toastmasters to broader people.

Ian Chen was the Table Topics Master. He prepared questions related to "Peace and Tranquility." The speakers in the Table Topics were Chin-Chi Lai, Joy Wang, Anna Wu, and Yun Her.

Gina Wu was the General Evaluator. The speech evaluators were Joy Wang, Alex Chandra, and Chin-Chi Lai.

The Grammarian, Steve Huang, prepared a short report summarizing his observations and feedback. The General Evaluator, Gina Wu, presented her evaluation, outlining the strengths of the meeting, areas for improvement, and any noteworthy aspects.

The best speakers were:
Best prepared speakers: Darren Lin, Rita Lin, Doreen Huang
Best table topics speaker: Joy Wang
Best individual evaluator: Chin-Chi Lai


🌿✨  Toastmasters 例會又來囉~ ✨🌿✨ Self-Love:學會愛自己,創造更好的生活! ✨💖 你有多久沒好好關心自己的感受了? 在忙碌的生活中,往往我們會忽略自我照顧。這次的聚會將帶你探索「愛自己」的重要性,學習如何以自信...

🌿✨ Toastmasters 例會又來囉~ ✨🌿
✨ Self-Love:學會愛自己,創造更好的生活! ✨

💖 你有多久沒好好關心自己的感受了? 在忙碌的生活中,往往我們會忽略自我照顧。這次的聚會將帶你探索「愛自己」的重要性,學習如何以自信、溫柔和積極的態度面對生活的挑戰。

🌸 無論你是想提升自我形象、增強心理韌性,還是學會如何欣賞自己的成就,這場聚會將是一個輕鬆無壓的學習環境,讓每個人都有機會發聲與成長。

🌟 一起加入我們,展開一段探索自我的旅程! 🌟

✨ Speak. Lead. Transform. ✨

SYTC Meeting #408
📅 日期:113/10/22 (Tue.)
🕒 時間: 19:00~21:00
(18:45 即可入場 check-in available)

加入 Zoom線上會議
Meeting ID: 837 7754 6567
Passcode: 8GSMhf

#公眾演說 #英文 #領導力 #演講技巧 #個人成長 #自信 #新營 #愛自己

🌿✨  Toastmasters 例會又來囉~ ✨🌿想要在放鬆的氛圍中提升溝通能力,讓自己成長嗎?我們的例會就是你的好選擇!Toastmasters 是一個大家互相學習、共同成長的地方,無論你是想挑戰自己還是只是想旁聽觀察,我們都歡迎你來參...

🌿✨ Toastmasters 例會又來囉~ ✨🌿

想要在放鬆的氛圍中提升溝通能力,讓自己成長嗎?我們的例會就是你的好選擇!Toastmasters 是一個大家互相學習、共同成長的地方,無論你是想挑戰自己還是只是想旁聽觀察,我們都歡迎你來參加!

🍃 主題: Peace and Tranquility 🍃


✨ Speak. Lead. Transform. ✨

SYTC Meeting #407
📅 時間:113/10/8 (Tue.) 19:00~21:00
(18:45 即可入場 check-in available)

加入 Zoom線上會議
Meeting ID: 837 7754 6567
Passcode: 8GSMhf

#公眾演說 #英文 #領導力 #演講技巧 #個人成長 #自信 #新營


SYTC Meeting # 406
Date: September 24, 2024
Time: 19:00~21:00
Location: 5F, No. 115, Zhongshan Rd., Shinying District (新營區中山路115號5樓)
Meeting Theme: Moon Festival

During the moon festival, the moon is the brightest and roundest it will be all year. Gina Wu, the Toastmaster of the meeting, chose Moon Festival as the meeting theme because the festival was celebrated one week earlier.

Darren Lin took the role of the Variety Session master. People had to guess some English proverbs by giving some clues without mentioning the words used in the proverbs.

The meeting had three prepared speakers. The first speaker was Joy Wang, who talked about myths from her childhood. The second speaker, Chin-Chi Lai, shared about the Atomic Habit book she read. The main idea is forming a habit to succeed. The third speaker, Carol Chou, spoke about her past working experience in swine husbandry.

Sophia Chiu was the Table Topics Master. She prepared questions related to the "heritage." The speakers in the Table Topics were Darren Lin, Coco Lin, Yun Her, Carol Chou, and Chin-Chi Lai.

Steve Huang was the General Evaluator. The speech evaluators were Camila Wu, Jasmine Yen, and Coco Lin.

The Grammarian, Alex Chandra, encouraged members to improve their language skills by providing constructive feedback. The General Evaluator, Steve Huang, offered constructive feedback to improve the overall quality and efficiency of the meetings.

The best speakers were:
Best table topics speaker: Coco Lin
Best prepared speaker: Joy Wang
Best individual evaluator: Jasmine Yen



🌕✨ **Moon Festival** Toastmasters 例會來囉~ ✨🌕

想要在輕鬆無壓力的環境中提升自己的溝通技巧嗎?這是你的機會!🎉 無論你是害羞的演講新手還是有經驗的老手,我們的致力於相互支持,一起成長。

🍂 Moon Festival🌕


💡 友善的夥伴們 (真的很友善 😄)
💡 輕鬆的練習空間
💡 充滿趣味且有建設性的回饋


✨ Speak. Lead. Transform. ✨

SYTC Meeting #406
📅 時間:113/9/24 (Tue.) 19:00~21:00
(18:45 即可入場 check-in available)

加入 Zoom線上會議
會議ID: 827 7305 3560
密碼: 927220

#公眾演說 #演講技巧 #個人成長

#中秋節 #英文 #新營


Creative lamps for the Moon Festival!


Wishing everyone a Mid-Autumn Festival full of joy and togetherness, with worries as thin as mooncake crust and happiness as round as the yolk!

Happy Moon Festival!

*SYTC 今晚無例會



Opening Hours

18:45 - 21:00



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