Fizzy Flower Studio

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Fizzy Flower Studio 《送·有故事的花藝》支持場景花藝訂造
永生花|保鮮花|網上花店|花束? However, we will make every effort to maintain the colour scheme, size and shape of the flower arrangements.

Terms and Conditions/條款及細則:

▫️The elegantly designed piece made of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生


▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區(中西區)於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

▫️If we are unable to deliver or contact the recipient/sender within 10 mins upon arrival, a charge will be applied for redelivery or you may pick up from shop, delivery charge is non-refundable. /如果我們無法在快遞到達後20分鐘內根據發件人提供的信息發送訂單,則將收取費用以進行重新發送/或可到店自取。運費則不會退回。

▫️As supply of preserved flowers is seasonal, our florist will discuss with you on the flower choices when you order. / 此商品屬天然及手工制作,受季節性花材選擇而略有不同,請於選購時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flowers are considered perishable products, all of our sold arrangements are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. /永生花乃易碎產品,我們所有產品出於出貨後恕不接受退換。

▫️Natural products as flowers, colours may vary from that shown in the photo references. Discuss with our florist when you order. /由於花是天然產品及每件產品是手工制作,顏色可能與圖片參考中顯示的略有不同,圖片只供參考。請於選購時與花藝師商量。

▫️Fizzy Flower Studio reserves the right to amend or withdraw any terms and conditions or terminate the offer any time without prior notice; in case of any disputes, the decision of Fizzy Flower Studio shall remain final. / Fizzy Flower Studio 保留隨時修改或取消任何條款和條件或終止優惠的權利,恕不另行通知;如有任何爭議,Fizzy Flower Studio 保留最終決定權。

You are enough 💜 $538Namaste

You are enough 💜 $538

Purple : Color of Valentine 💜$538

Purple : Color of Valentine 💜$538

First impression $328

First impression $328

We didn’t count how many dreams actually came true. Count Blessings $538 🧧

We didn’t count how many dreams actually came true.

Count Blessings $538 🧧

Believe in Unicorns🦄 $538

Believe in Unicorns🦄 $538

You are my Pink Apple 💗

You are my Pink Apple 💗

[Trash Art:03]Used CNY candy box Re-do, Re-freshed, Re-use💙💜天增歲月人增壽,春滿乾坤福滿門。願:平安

[Trash Art:03]
Used CNY candy box



That’s it

That’s it

Daddy’s girl 小公主 $738 ‘ Ten decisions shape your lifeYou'll be aware of five about’ by The Stroke「你愛我愛多些 讓我他朝長得堅壯些」《單車》陳...

Daddy’s girl 小公主 $738

‘ Ten decisions shape your life
You'll be aware of five about’
by The Stroke

「你愛我愛多些 讓我他朝長得堅壯些」


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Miniature scene series: Daddy’s Girl Glass Dome dimensions 12cm (Width) x 22cm (Height) /場景系列:小公主,玻璃罩底部直徑12cm x 22cm高。

▫️The scene depicts White angels crown with Cotton, winged with Dandelions, purple carnation represents the gentle love of parents, dedicated to all mothers and fathers./ 小公主 中心以棉花花環,天使翼上的蒲公英為每一個父母帶來希望,感謝每一位家長的無私奉獻。

▫️The dome contains an elegant design of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個玻璃罩下的優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節

Title: :REd)大紅大紫 $2888‘ I'm so successful, yeahAnd, girl, you too, you are so youngAnd beautiful and so successful, yeah...

Title: :REd)大紅大紫 $2888

‘ I'm so successful, yeah
And, girl, you too, you are so young
And beautiful and so successful, yeah’
by Ariana Grande

「超越被託付的 幸福與約定
頭也不回地前進 只朝前方吶喊 在心中點燃火焰 直到遙遠的未來……」


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Flower piece dimensions, container 18cm (Width) x ~30cm (Flower Height) /花盒底部直徑 18cm x ~30cm(花頂)。

▫️The velvety red roses, flaming red & orange carnations, surrounded by purple-ish hydrangea, don’t you feel the hot love, good luck and big wealth? / 大紅玫瑰配上紅橙漸變色的康乃馨,四周圍繞着紫紫綠綠的繡球花,象徵熱情好運,成功及幸福美滿。

▫️The box contains an elegant design of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區(中西區)於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節

Title: Time Travel 時光倒流 $588‘We were sitting in a parked carStealing kisses in the front yardWe got questions we shouldn...

Title: Time Travel 時光倒流 $588

‘We were sitting in a parked car
Stealing kisses in the front yard
We got questions we shouldn not ask’
by Ed Sheeran

「能重做時光只需倒流一句話就足夠 尷尬到自己之前吞了[我喜歡你]不開口 十世還做朋友」


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Flower container dimensions 8cm (Width) x 20cm (Flower Height) / 花盆底部直徑 8cm x 20cm高(花頂)。

▫️Taste of nostalgia, travel back in time, will you make another choice? / 復古典雅的花藝,令人想到從前,如果可以的話,你可以嗎?

▫️Elegantly designed of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區(中西區)於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節

Title: Shape of you 就係咁簡單 $538‘Just let me adore youLike it's the only thing I'll ever do’  by Harry Styles 「最愛你淺笑的臉 如眉頭...

Title: Shape of you 就係咁簡單 $538

‘Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do’
by Harry Styles

「最愛你淺笑的臉 如眉頭和額角也在笑 讓我驚覺有看下去的需要」
《Don’t text him》by Serrini


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Flower piece dimensions, container 7.3cm (Width) x 20cm (Flower Height) /花盒底部直徑7.3cm x 20cm花頂。

▫️The velvety red and black roses energise our love, let the fire burn all night long. / 紅黑紅紅黑,就係咁簡單。

▫️The box contains an elegant design of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區(中西區)於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節

Title: Hero 無名英雄 $598 ‘And you say, "As long as I'm hereNo one can hurt you’  by Billie Eillish 「我就會 令你令你令你令你令你令你 感覺很安全」...

Title: Hero 無名英雄 $598

‘And you say, "As long as I'm here
No one can hurt you’
by Billie Eillish

「我就會 令你令你令你令你令你令你 感覺很安全」《網路安全隱患》Serrini


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購,支持場景訂製。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Miniature scene series: Hero ,Glass Dome dimensions 12cm (Width) x 22cm (Height) /場景系列:無名英雄,玻璃罩底部直徑12cm x 22cm高。

▫️The scene depicts White angels crown with Cotton, winged with Dandelions, saving lives selflessly, dedicated to all medics. /無名英雄頭上戴上棉花花環,天使翼上的蒲公英為每一個病患帶來希望,感謝每一位醫務人員的無私奉獻。

▫️The dome contains an elegant design of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個玻璃罩下的優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區(中西區)於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節

Title: Black/White 黑白是... $588 ‘Remember everything will be alrightWe can meet again somewhereSomewhere far away from he...

Title: Black/White 黑白是... $588

‘Remember everything will be alright
We can meet again somewhere
Somewhere far away from here’
Harry Styles

「抬頭尚有天空 敲不碎
埋頭尚有智慧 思想 他人難偷取」


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Flower container dimensions 8cm (Width) x 12cm (Height) / 花盆底部直徑 8cm x 12cm高。

▫️Let there be light,alright,all white./ 或許表情不能確定,顏色還是分得清。

▫️Elegantly designed of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區(中西區)於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節

Title: Never Stop 君莫停 $598‘ Life is sweet as honey Yeah this beat cha ching like money ‘  By  BTS「若生命是無限 何必自定界限 大好青春就要多貪...

Title: Never Stop 君莫停 $598

‘ Life is sweet as honey Yeah this beat cha ching like money ‘ By BTS

「若生命是無限 何必自定界限 大好青春就要多貪」《青春頌》許廷鏗


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購,支持場景訂製。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Glass Dome dimensions 11cm (Width) x 13cm (Height) /玻璃罩底部直徑11cm x 13cm高。

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” – William Shakespeare.


▫️The dome contains an elegant design of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個玻璃罩下的優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區(中西區)於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節

Title: Timing 剛好 $538‘Time goes by and I can't control my mindI keep on breathin', mmm, yeah’  Ariana Grande‘原來剛好 來得好不算早...

Title: Timing 剛好 $538

‘Time goes by and I can't control my mind
I keep on breathin', mmm, yeah’
Ariana Grande

‘原來剛好 來得好
不算早 也不算太晚最好
昂然闊步 踏荒土


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Baby flower box dimensions 14.2cm (Width) x 19.5cm (Height) /花盒(Baby) ,底部直徑14.2cm x 19.5cm高。

▫️Live mindfully, look at the rustic deep pink flowers with your heart, breathe in, breathe out, I am viewing this beautiful flower box. / 現在就是最好的人生,火花是甜品,要光就開燈,會找你的才是愛人。

▫️The box contains an elegant design of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個花盒下的優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區(中西區)於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節

Title: LDR 二地戀 $2388‘ You're a mysteryI have traveled the world, there's no other girl like you’  by Ed Sheeran「為了見你一面 我...

Title: LDR 二地戀 $2388

‘ You're a mystery
I have traveled the world, there's no other girl like you’
by Ed Sheeran

「為了見你一面 我會願意


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購,支持場景訂製。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Miniature scene series:Travel, dimensions 11cm (Width) x 35cm (Height) /場景系列:旅行 ,底部邊直徑11cm x 35cm高。

▫️You are the best scenery of my journey, and I will be your best travel partner in our life. / 旅途中遇上最美麗的風景,是你;往後的旅程,承載着最幸福的愛,是我。

▫️The box contains an elegant design of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個花盒下的優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區(中西區)於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節

Title:Star 星願 $638‘Are we all lost stars try to light up the dark?’ < Lost Stars> by Adam Levin「逐天的步行我們的專線 大概星與月 早知都會不變」...

Title:Star 星願 $638

‘Are we all lost stars try to light up the dark?’ < Lost Stars> by Adam Levin

「逐天的步行我們的專線 大概星與月 早知都會不變」《一天多一點》姜濤


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Glass Dome dimensions 11cm (Width) x 22cm (Height) /玻璃罩底部直徑11cm x 22cm高。

▫️The pinky starry shaped piece in the middle shine when you turn on the button at the bottom of the dome. / 按底部按鈕,中間粉紅色的星星會發光。

▫️The dome contains an elegant design of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個玻璃罩下的優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區(中西區)於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節


Title: Be with me 與我同在 $638

支持訂造及場景制定/ Provide Tailor made service❣️

Title: Be with me 與我同在 $638‘ I don't wanna think about nothing Just watching you dancingFeel like the beginning of somet...

Title: Be with me 與我同在 $638

‘ I don't wanna think about nothing
Just watching you dancing
Feel like the beginning of something’
by John Legend

「還好有你在 讓我喘息悠閒下來 就算身處洪流中 安然能無礙」


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Glass dome dimensions 14cm (Width) x 26cm (Height) /小夜燈底部直徑14cm x 26cm高。

▫️Looking up the Dandelion from the pinky forrest. 321, breathe in, I always remember my promise to you. / 白色的蒲公英下是你與我走過的粉紅花林,321,深呼吸,那個約定我還堅守着。

▫️The glass dome contains an elegant design of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個玻璃罩下的優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區(中西區)於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節


Queen•Roses•Magic ball 女皇·玫瑰·魔法球 $1088

支持訂造及場景制定/ Provide Tailor made service❣️



Title: Ameila 時裝屋 $2888‘You were an angel in the shape of my mum You got to see the person I have become’ by Ed Sheeran ...

Title: Ameila 時裝屋 $2888

‘You were an angel in the shape of my mum You got to see the person I have become’
by Ed Sheeran

「如從頭活過 若是讓我再揀選某一個人當爸爸 由你當可以嗎」《有你一個》林二汶/林一峰


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Gorilla flower box dimensions 46cm (Width) x 44cm (Height) /巨大花盒,底部直徑46cm x 44cm高。

▫️It’s a story of a pair of tailors back in 70s, they fell in love, built a family but gave up their dream. What left behind is the handwritten name card. Dedicated to all parents, you have to see the people we’ve become. I’m sure we’ve made you proud. / 七十年代一對年輕裁縫,又相愛組織家庭到放棄時裝夢的過程。夢想留下的只有一張手畫的卡片。奉獻給所有父母親,看看我們成為的大人,讓你驕傲的大人。

▫️The box contains an elegant design of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個花盒下的優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區(中西區)於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節

Title: Dirty Pink Lady 粉菲菲 $538‘ Look so good yeah, look so sweet (hey)Baby, you deserve a treat’  by Blackpink 「臨睡想一想你便...

Title: Dirty Pink Lady 粉菲菲 $538

‘ Look so good yeah, look so sweet (hey)
Baby, you deserve a treat’
by Blackpink

「臨睡想一想你便會飛 夢裡那輕柔 輕柔 呼吸的我 躺在雲朵側邊吻你」


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Baby flower box dimensions 14.2cm (Width) x 19.5cm (Height) /花盒(Baby) ,底部直徑14.2cm x 19.5cm高。

▫️Less than 50 shades of pink, rosy but dusty, like you. / 粉紅色不一定是嬌嗲,知性下的可愛❕更❕可❕愛❕

▫️The box contains an elegant design of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個花盒下的優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節

Title: Let’s Run 出發!$638‘ There's nothing holdin' me backI feel so free when you're with me, baby ’ by Shawn Mendes「撮合無盡...

Title: Let’s Run 出發!$638

‘ There's nothing holdin' me back
I feel so free when you're with me, baby ’
by Shawn Mendes

「撮合無盡 的偶然來盡興 隨意浪費著美景 才是對它不敬」


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Miniature Scene Series:Let’s Run (Baby Size)dimensions 14.2cm (Width) x 19.5cm (Height) /場景系列:出發 (Baby) ,底部直徑14.2cm x 19.5cm高。

▫️The miniature depicts a pair of lovers running under magic hour. Under the rosy sky, will he pop the question at the finish line? / 場景中一對情侶在滿天玫瑰色的彩霞下跑步,心跳快速的他會在終點問那個問題嗎?

▫️The box contains an elegant design of premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個花盒下的優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區(中西區)於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節

Title: Grateful 感謝 $438‘Though I know I'll never lose affectionFor people and things that went beforeI know I'll often s...

Title: Grateful 感謝 $438

‘Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more’
by The Beatles

門壞了 飾櫃穿了 讓我修補
如果你 來打氣 有信心撐到老」
《最後一間唱片舖》by Dear Jane


Feel free to DM for ordering❣️/ 歡迎DM訂購。

Fizzy Flower Studio ®️

▫️Little Flower Bouquet, dimensions ~10cm (Width) x 30cm (Height) /小形花束直徑~10cm x 30cm高。

▫️The heart shaped little bouquet centred with lavender roses, surrounded by baby blue carnations, rimmed gently by white baby’s breath. / 心形的小花束已淺紫色玫瑰做中心,被嬰兒藍的康乃馨圍繞着,外圍包裹着溫柔的白色滿天星。

▫️The elegantly designed premium preserved flowers from Japan/ Ecuador and other parts of this beautiful world. Preserved flowers made from fresh flower, after processing , it still keeps the natural flower texture but bloom eternally.The flower piece will remain fresh looking for over 12 months, requiring no water of sunlight. /永生花進口自日本,厄瓜多爾及世界不同美麗的國度。永生花是由真花在經保鮮加工處理成為不凋謝花,有着新鮮花的質感卻永恆盛放,所以這個優雅花藝可保持超過12個月,無需加水及陽光培育。

▫️Free delivery on on designated date on HK Island - Central, Eastern & Western District only, other area may incur charges, please discuss with our florist when you order. 港島區於指定日子免費送貨,其他地區有機會產生運費,請與購買時與花藝師商量。

▫️Flower Piece comes with a card, both size and design are random, and distributed on a first-come-first served basis,available as long as stock last. / 花藝附送心意咭一張,尺寸及設計隨意分配,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

Other information please see in the comment, thanks!


#永生花 #場景永生花瓶 #女朋友 #男朋友 #網上訂花 #打卡 #生日花束 #紀念禮物 #結婚禮物 #周年禮物 #生日禮物 #畢業禮物 #母親節禮物 #父親節 #情人節禮物 #情人節




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