A message from Steven - HPW owner
Hello everyone. We have been quiet for a while now and everything will be explained. After HPW Skol the HPW team got to work on our vision and future. Which was and still is exciting for us and we are heavily looking forward to it.
We want to put on the best entertainment for fans. Have a promotion who puts the same amount of effort into every show, every person part of HPW. Every wrestler on the card and their storylines.
Unfortunately, my personal life matters need to take focus at the moment. This does mean I am unable to offer 100% into HPW at this time. Which I refuse to do any less. This does mean we are placing a temporary pause on any plans effective immediately.
This is a choice we really don’t want to make but we believe it is the best option. We will be returning soon delivering amazing entertainment and wrestling. I hope you all understand.
I would like to thank everybody who has been part of HPW so far. You all have been amazing and the experience has been unreal. We will see you all again soon.