“Don’t do it! You’re going to crash!”
My heart was pounding, palms sweaty, and every voice in my head was screaming for me to stop.
It was like standing on the edge of a trapeze platform 🎪, and right before I leapt into the air, I was overwhelmed with the ‘what ifs’:
“What if no one shows up?”
“What if I forget what to say?”
“What if I mess up in front of everyone?”
“What if I completely fall flat?”
I knew I needed to make that leap, but the possibility of not making it and having to turn around kept me frozen. The worst-case scenarios kept swinging around in my mind, paralyzing me with both fear and excitement 😨💭
I could see the platform on the other side, the next level I needed to get to.
Another opportunity was swinging my way, the bar glinting brightly in plain sight for me to grab ✨. I knew I was skilled and ready to jump but I really needed certainty that I would make it.
I just couldn’t bear to hit the net and have everything I’ve worked so hard towards come crashing down on me 😬
Sound familiar?
If you’re standing there, heart-pounding 💓, feeling stuck on the platform and scared to take that next leap, I’ve got you 🙌
😃👉 You don’t have to stay in 1:1 burnout because you’re not sure how to lead a live group event confidently.
After serving on more than 55 successful virtual events, I am the steady hand you need to catch you mid-air 👐, calm the mental chatter, and guide you safely to the other side ❤️
Drop a 🎪 if you’re ready to take the leap, have some fun and wrap this last quarter up celebrating making it to your next level for 2025!