With a career spanning over two decades, SoundSyster embarked on her journey as a DJ in 1998, a time when the industry lacked female representation. As a trailblazer, she fearlessly carved her path, shattering stereotypes and redefining the possibilities for women in the music world. Hailing from Fredericton, New Brunswick, SoundSyster played a pivotal role in developing and cultivating the local
dance music scene. Her passion and dedication breathed life into the scene, establishing her as a driving force behind its growth and evolution. Through tireless efforts and a genuine love for the craft, she fostered a community that thrived on innovation, inclusivity, and a shared passion for electronic beats. The impact of SoundSyster's talent and relentless commitment to her art extends far beyond her home province. She had the honor of being part of the World Pride spotlight, gracing the stage of numerous Toronto Pride Festivals, Future Forest Festival, and countless nightclubs and afterhours across Canada. These momentous occasions allowed her to connect with diverse audiences, spreading love, unity, and through her sets. Throughout her illustrious career, SoundSyster's contributions have left an indelible mark on the industry, inspiring countless aspiring DJs and music enthusiasts alike. Prepare to be transported on a sonic journey like no other as SoundSyster ignites the dancefloor, reminding us that music has the power to unite, inspire, and transcend all boundaries.