We’ve made it through the Persephone period and the light is returning, we can definitely feel it, how bout you?
The minimally heated greenhouse and unheated tunnels are keeping the winter kale, lettuce, spinach and chard super happy and the flavor of the greens right now! Wow! Winter farming, I love ya.
Our lil Valentines Day dried floral sales were a success (thank you!) and June baby is eight months old and now has 6! Teeth!
Time, you sneaky devil
Hard to put into words how lucky we feel to be nestled in here through the most turbulent of times, grateful is an understatement. My bones ache with the desire for all beings everywhere to know this level of comfort and not a day goes by that we don’t reflect on our privilege.
We successfully made it through a one year trial period and have entered into the first five year phase of our lease here, if all goes well we have a second five year term after this one so in total we are secured to farm here for 11 years. Which feels like an eternity and also no time at all.
We have been reflecting on the chaos and beauty of 2024 and are ready (sort of?!) to begin again for the 2025 growing season. Wish us luck, but I guess what we will really need is persistence, organization, calm in the face of chaos and a good sense of humor with a heaping side of humility. There is truly nothing I’d rather be doing, so grateful Caleb and June are along for the ride! And big thanks to you all for following along 💋💋💋