Florigin Studio

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  • Florigin Studio

Florigin Studio Located in Rome, Italy, Florigin is a unique floral design studio, adding magic by way of flowers to weddings and events. Hi, I'm Toni and I'm a florist.

We are focused on a sustainable approach in all that we do, leaving behind only petals, leaves and happiness. I fell into floristry about 9 years ago, after moving to Rome, first getting a job in an unlikely garden center where I processed gerberas, swept the floor and began to learn Italian. I moved on to a beautiful little flower shop, working there for 7 years until the owner, my friend and men

tor, sadly passed away from cancer. It still feels like yesterday. In January 2020 my husband Alessio and I went back to New Zealand, where I'm from, and spending time with my family I regrouped and started working on my ideas of what to do next. We got back to Rome just in time for lockdown, and fresh from a beautiful holiday at home I got to work. Alessio and I came up with the name Florigin Studio and I created a website. I love what I do, but I had been needing to make a change for a very long time, and I believe in starting out as you mean to go on. So Florigin Studio is based on sustainability. What we do: Wedding and event flowers, using sustainable practises and prioritizing locally grown flowers. Workshops at our home studio, (all currently suspended due to Covid19) in small groups, where I happily share my methods. Markets: Working alone from home I really miss that everyday banter with people. My shop days are definitely over, but I love taking my seasonal creations and favourite bunches of locally grown flowers to markets and chatting to you all! Im so grateful I managed to get a couple in this year before this new wave of Covid19 hit! At the moment we dont take small orders or do flower deliveries, however this is something I'm thinking about for the future. Ciao sono Toni e sono una fiorista. Faccio questo lavoro da 9 anni dopo essermi trasferita a Roma 10 anni fa. Il mio primo lavoro nel campo è stato presso un vivaio in cui ho fatto un po' di tutto, dal pulire le gerbere a spazzare il pavimento, dall allestire gli alberi di Natale all'imparare l'italiano (o dovrei forse dire il dialetto romano?😄). Ho poi trovato lavoro in un piccolo ma bellissimo negozio di fiori in cui ho lavorato per 7 anni finché il proprietario, mio amico e mentore, ci ha lasciato per un tumore. Sembra ancora ieri. Gennaio 2020 io e mio marito Alessio siamo siamo stati in Nuova Zelanda, il paese dove sono nata e cresciuta, e trascorrendo qualche settimana di relax in famiglia ho avuto l'opportunità di iniziare a lavorare su come riorganizzare il mio futuro lavorativo. Siamo tornati a Roma giusto in tempo per il lockdown ricaricati dalla vacanza e pieni di nuove idee. Dopo aver deciso per il nome "Florigin Studio" ho creato da sola il sito web. Amo ciò che faccio ma avevo bisogno da tempo di un cambiamento e iniziare qualcosa di nuovo per andare avanti. Florigin Studio fonda tutto sulla sostenibilità. Cosa facciamo: matrimoni ed allestimenti floreali, utilizzando tecniche eco-sostenibili e, nei limiti del possibile, fiori a km0. Workshops nello studio a casa (al momento sospesi causa Covid) in piccoli gruppi dove sono felice di insegnare le mie tecniche. Mercati: lavorando sola da casa mi manca tantissimo scambiare qualche battuta con i clienti. L'esperienza del negozio si è ormai conclusa ma amo prendere parte ai mercati con le mie creazioni stagionali e i mazzi di fiori locali, soprattutto perché mi dà la possibilità di ricreare quel contatto e quell'atmosfera di condivisione che tanto mi manca. Sono felice di essere riuscita a farne un paio quest'anno prima che iniziasse la seconda ondata di Covid! Al momento non prendiamo ordini troppo piccoli e non facciamo consegne a domicilio, ma ci stiamo organizzando per il futuro.

All week I'll be preparing more of these alkekengi fairy lights, ready for the next edition of Vintage Market! Last week...

All week I'll be preparing more of these alkekengi fairy lights, ready for the next edition of Vintage Market! Last weekend I sold out by lunchtime on Sunday 😳😍, so I'll try and have a few more ready for next time.

Of course if you want me to put some aside for you just DM me!

🇮🇹 Tutta questa settimana sarò impegnata nello studio a preparare altre Lanternine di alkekengi! L'ultimo weekend erano sold out all'ora di pranzo di domenica 😳😍, quindi cercherò di portare alcune in più per il prossimo !

Ovviamente mi potete sempre scrivere in privato se volete prenotare una e ve la metterò da parte.

See you there 😍🧡

Vintage Market
11 & 12 Novembre
10.00 / 20.00
A Piazza Ragusa (ex Deposito ATAC)
Via Tuscolana 179

A little October update:🍂 My autumn wreath workshops sold out! In less than 48 hours! I still can't quite believe it. Th...

A little October update:

🍂 My autumn wreath workshops sold out! In less than 48 hours! I still can't quite believe it. Thank you all so much for your amazing response, I'm sooo excited to make wreaths together next weekend! I know I haven't kept you very updated on here, I've just been so busy and I often forget where I've put my phone which is not that unusual for me 🙈 (once I left it in a feild of long grass, another time it turned up in the bottom of a bucket of flowers 😅) but I promise I will try to do better and share more at least on stories when I can.

🍂 21 & 22 October is Vintage Market again! And I'm not going to be able to sleep because I'm too excited about all the beautiful dahlias and autumness I'll have at my stall! 😍

🍂 Yesterday I picked up a huuuuuge load of alkekengi for my lantern lights, and I've already set up a strange sort of scaffolding thing in the studio to lay them all out to dry. Then I'll be making my little lantern lights again 😊 more in stories!

🍂 I worked hard on creating a beautiful email about the autumn wreath workshops and sent it out to everyone on my mailing list, only to realize after that I had the dates wrong and that I had also forgotten to specify which month 🤦‍♀️
After I'd sent out a correction email I then sent out a confermation email to the people who had booked, again with the wrong dates 🙈
I can safely say that I'm much better at making wreaths than I am at reading a calender!

I hope you're all having a lovely October so far 🧡

Italiano nei commenti

Email per il workshop di ghirlande autunnali in arrivo stasera alle 20.00! 🍂💚

Email per il workshop di ghirlande autunnali in arrivo stasera alle 20.00!


A few facts you may not know about my dried wreaths:💚 I make my dried wreaths with naturally dried ingredients, no chemi...

A few facts you may not know about my dried wreaths:

💚 I make my dried wreaths with naturally dried ingredients, no chemically altered (stabilized) or artificial colours here!

💚 The base is wire, so they are not compostable like my autumn or Christmas wreaths. Instead these ones are made to last a few years, depending on the dried materials used.

💚 I don't recommend hanging these on doors! The constant opening and closing will cause the materials to weaken and eventually drop off.

💚 They are perfect for hanging as wall art. My favorite places are above a fireplace or computer desk, for somewhere nice to rest your tired eyes after staring at a computer screen!

💚 I am constantly on the lookout for new and interesting textures to add into them. Sometimes at the flower market, sometimes from the garden, sometimes even from the side of the road!

Any other questions, or can you suggest any dried ingredients you think would look good in a dried wreath? Let me know!


September flowers for your feed today 😊💚The japanese anemones are flowering now, and are so lovely at the moment! I don'...

September flowers for your feed today 😊💚

The japanese anemones are flowering now, and are so lovely at the moment! I don't know why but this year they are really prolific in the garden 😍

the seasons

My latest wreath. All shades of pale and wispy 😊💚 there's so much in there, it's like a dried flower meadow. What should...

My latest wreath. All shades of pale and wispy 😊💚 there's so much in there, it's like a dried flower meadow. What should I call it?

I'll be making these until I run out of ingredients, DM me if you'd like to order one!

Un po' tardi ma... Grazie a tutti voi, che siete venuti a trovarci al  nonostante il caldo pazzesco. Grazie alla mia bra...

Un po' tardi ma...

Grazie a tutti voi, che siete venuti a trovarci al nonostante il caldo pazzesco. Grazie alla mia bravissima amica Elisabetta , che è stata con me al mio banco con tantissimi good vibes e un sorrisone tutto il weekend. Grazie ai miei fantastici amici vicini di banco, .belcastro e , con gli amici intorno non è un lavoro ma un divertimento! 💚

Ma soprattutto grazie al Vintage market, che per me è sempre un posto del cuore. E un speciale grazie a Angela che è una persona davvero speciale. Tanto love ❤️❤️❤️

Non vedo l'ora per l'edizione di ottobre (che farà un po' meno caldo), e voi?? 😍

A little late but...

Thank you to everyone who despite the heat came to see us at Vintage Market last weekend! Thanks to my lovely friend Elisabetta who was work me at the stand with good vibes and a huge smile all weekend. Thanks to my lovely market stand neighbour friends .belcastro and , when your workspace is surrounded by friends it's not work but fun!

But above all thanks , for me it's such a special place to be. And also this time a huge thanks to Angela who if you don't already know is a really wonderful human. ❤️

I can't wait until the next edition of Vintage Market in October (when it will be a bit less hot), what about you? See you there? 😍

The week leaving up to the first market of the season is always the busiest, and I'm sorry I haven't got anything better...

The week leaving up to the first market of the season is always the busiest, and I'm sorry I haven't got anything better to share with you on here at the moment! I haven't had time to take photos of all the dried flowers and wreaths that I've already packed up ready to go, plus these little succulent gardens, and of course beautiful bunches of mixed fresh flowers! You will just have to come and see for yourselves!

I promise I'll put up loads in stories if you can't make it. Hope to see you there! Now back to packing (it's like moving house every time 😂😅😍) can't wait to be there! 💚💚💚

16 & 17 Settembre
10.00 / 20.00
A Piazza Ragusa (ex Deposito ATAC)
Via Tuscolana 179

Coming soon!Vintage MarketChe bello 😍 È stata una pausa molto lungo, vorrei che vintage market ci sarà tutti i weekend 😅...

Coming soon!

Vintage Market

Che bello 😍
È stata una pausa molto lungo, vorrei che vintage market ci sarà tutti i weekend 😅😍

Cmq, we are back and better than ever! Yayyyy! Non vedo l'ora vedere tutti gli amici espositori e bella gente 💚

16 & 17 Settembre
10.00 / 20.00
Ragusa Off (ex Deposito ATAC)
Via Tuscolana 179

Alza la mano chi sarà presente!

Ci vediamo lì 😊💚

September, and a new logo! Finally I can share with you this beautiful project that my friend Annette surprised me with ...

September, and a new logo! Finally I can share with you this beautiful project that my friend Annette surprised me with by starting a little while ago, and is now ready for the world!

I am so lucky that she put this together, it is remarkably better than anything I could have imagined. Yet at the same time, so simple. I feel like it perfectly represents the direction Florigin has grown in over the last few years, which is quite different to what I had originally imagined! And how amazing is the updated colour palette she put together?!

I still also love my original logo, which was created by another super talented friend, and will gradually bring in the new one in the new packaging. To be more sustainable I'll be making a gradual switch over.

To see the new logo and brand elements in action check your inbox's tomorrow morning! There will be a beautiful email waiting for you. And if you're not subscribed follow the link in bio! (Emails are in italian)

Let me know what you think of Annette's work! How amazing is she?!


Settembre! Il secondo inizio dell'anno. E il momento perfetto per condividere con voi questo bellissimo progetto che la mia amica Annette ha iniziato per me un po' di tempo fa e che ora è pronto per il mondo!

Sono cosi fortunata che lei abbia fatto questo lavoro notevole, è decisamente meglio di qualsiasi cosa avrei potuto immaginare eppure allo stesso tempo così semplice e pulito. Credo che reppresenti perfettamente la direzione in cui Florigin sia cresciuta negli ultimi anni, che è molto diversa da quella che avevo inizialmente immaginato! E quanto è bello il pallette di colori che ha creato?

Amo ancora anche il mio primo logo che è stato creato da un'altra amica super talentuosa, e introdurrò quello nuovo in modo graduale nel nuovo packaging!

Per vedere il nuovo logo e gli altri nuovi elementi del brand, controllate la vostra email domani mattina! E se ancora non siete iscritti alla newsletter seguite le istruzioni nel link in bio! (Le email sono in italiano)

Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate del lavoro di Annette. Non è fantastico?

Hi all! Things might seem calm over here on the surface, but underneath I'm paddling like crazy to get as much done as I...

Hi all! Things might seem calm over here on the surface, but underneath I'm paddling like crazy to get as much done as I can, ready for Christmas! This week is the last week of daycare, and my three glorious hours in the studio to make as much noise as I want. June sleeps at home, and our bedroom is right next to the studio which doesn't have a door, and this work is surprisingly noisy, so I don't actually get much physical work done when she's sleeping 😅

At the moment I'm working on Christmas tree bases, grapevine stars, bunches of dried flowers and as many dried wreaths as I can make. I'm running out of storage though... 😅

I can't wait for September, and the first of the season! It gets lonely here in the studio sometimes and I miss all your lovely faces!

A few snapshots of our week in  . I'm sad to go back to Rome and the second (and hottest) week of this heatwave today!  ...

A few snapshots of our week in . I'm sad to go back to Rome and the second (and hottest) week of this heatwave today!

I had grand plans to make so many dried wreaths using these hydrangeas, but when I saw them drying all together I was in...

I had grand plans to make so many dried wreaths using these hydrangeas, but when I saw them drying all together I was inspired to make one giant wreath instead! Only one of these this year, there aren't enough flowers left to make another until next July.

If you would like it DM to purchase! No delivery sorry, it doesn't fit in any of my boxes! Unless you are local in which case I would gladly drop it off to you 😊


🇮🇹 Avevo grandi progetti per realizzare così tante ghirlande secche usando queste ortensie nostre, ma quando le ho viste tutte insieme sono stato ispirato a creare invece una ghirlanda gigante! Solo una ghirlanda cosi quest'anno, non ci sono abbastanza fiori per farne un altro fino al prossimo luglio.

Se siete interessati ad acquistarla mandatemi un DM! Nessuna consegna mi dispiace, non entra in nessuna delle mie scatole! A meno che voi non siete di zona, che nel qual caso ve la porto io volentieri 😊

The ozothamnus wreath, a new favourite. I had the idea to make these using only rice flower because I accidentally bough...

The ozothamnus wreath, a new favourite. I had the idea to make these using only rice flower because I accidentally bought way too much of it, and I need the ceiling space to hang other flowers to dry 😅

But now I'm regretting not buying more! 😂

Happy accidents!

See my last reel for the making of this wreath 😊

The last of this season's peonies, with hydrangeas from the garden and a few other bits and peices including parsley gon...

The last of this season's peonies, with hydrangeas from the garden and a few other bits and peices including parsley gone to seed. June's toys manage to find their way into every corner of the house, can you spot one in here?

I went to the flower market to buy flowers for drying, and couldn't resist coming home with a bag full of peonies just for me. Especially as they're on their way out for the year!

In my happy place 😊📷

In my happy place 😊


Overwhelm. Exhaustion. And a sick toddler. Just listing the reasons I suddenly disappeared from here the day after Mothe...

Overwhelm. Exhaustion. And a sick toddler.

Just listing the reasons I suddenly disappeared from here the day after Mothers Day. As I write this I am eating mint choc chip icecream directly out of the container, and I'm feeling good again. Good enough to show my face (or at least my words) on here with you all again. I love my job, but it is alot of hard work and sometimes I get swept up in my enthusiam for it all, and forget to pace myself. The adrenalin keeps me running until the event is over, and then the exhaustion catches up. And it leaves me in it's dust.

Mothers Day we did amazingly well. All of the flowers sold by late afternoon on Sunday! And I had been freaking out that I'd ordered too many! On Monday I unloaded the car and re installed the car seat just in time to pick June up from daycare... then I put her down for her afternoon nap and sat down for a minute on the couch. And a minute turned into a week. Blocking out the world, dragging myself up just to take care of June, but as soon as she was asleep or at daycare I fell back down into the couch. Then June came down with a cold, and none of us slept for a week.

Mothers Day was not only the most intense market of the season, it was also the last. I've always got that anxiety of doing better, being better prepared, and above all I feel like I can't relax after a market goes well because I tell myself it must have been a one off. So I work hard to to be better for the next one.

I needed a break from myself.

Now June is finally better, and I've had some time to think about things without the pressure of an upcoming market. And I'm starting to think that maybe this isn't a flaw, it might just be the way I work. One thousand percent and then a break. Maybe it's ok to be exhausted. Maybe it's just my process.

Now I'm feeling creative again, and I've had some great ideas. I can't wait until September, when the markets start again. My enthusiam is back one hundred percent, and my energy levels are getting there. But I will try and pace myself better this time around.

The leftover flowers from last weekend hanging out on my workbench 😊💚Thanks so much to everyone who came to see us at  ,...

The leftover flowers from last weekend hanging out on my workbench 😊💚

Thanks so much to everyone who came to see us at , it was so lovely to see familiar faces I haven't seen in a long time! We had a blast and I hope to see you back there soon!

In the meantime our last market of this season is this weekend at , meet you there!

Vintage Market
13 & 14 May
10.00 / 20.00
A Piazza Ragusa (ex Deposito ATAC)
Via Tuscolana 179

Sono la peggio 🤦‍♀️ Mi sono accorta soltanto ora che non vi ho detto che questo weekend sarò al , e che domenica sarà an...

Sono la peggio 🤦‍♀️ Mi sono accorta soltanto ora che non vi ho detto che questo weekend sarò al , e che domenica sarà anche la festa della mamma! Ho ordinato tutti i fiori, e non so se sono troppi o troppi pochi o giusti 😅 ma di sicuro sono bellissimi! 😍

Venite a trovarci! Che poi per noi è l'ultimo mercato fino a settembre!

See stories for more info and backstage 💚

Vintage Market
13 & 14 May
10.00 / 20.00
A Piazza Ragusa (ex Deposito ATAC)
Via Tuscolana 179

I'm the worst 🤦‍♀️ I've only just realized that I haven't let you know on here that this weekend I'll be at , and on Sunday it's also mothers day! I've just ordered all of the flowers, and I'm alternating between freaking out that I've ordered too many or not enough. Either way I'll be freaking out all this week. All normal here 🤯😅 but one thing I can be sure of it they will be absolutely beautiful! Come and see us!!

This will be our last market until September, so make sure you stop by!

Questo weekend a San Paolo, io porterò peonie e altri fiori, e tu? Vieni? This weekend at San Paolo, I'll be bringing pe...

Questo weekend a San Paolo, io porterò peonie e altri fiori, e tu? Vieni?

This weekend at San Paolo, I'll be bringing peonies and other flowers, you? Are you coming?

Fuori Mercato
6 & 7 Maggio
10.00 / 20.00
San Paolo District
Via Alessandro Severo 48

An oldie but a goodie. Ranunculus and snowball tree, plus bits and peices from the garden, in a favourite compote from t...

An oldie but a goodie. Ranunculus and snowball tree, plus bits and peices from the garden, in a favourite compote from the local second hand shop. Ranunculus are finishing up now but peonies are just getting started!

Swipe to see the exact same arrangement at a different time of day, light is everything!

After the hustle and bustle of the last weekend, I'm now (as usual) craving a bit of calm and quiet again. Back in the s...

After the hustle and bustle of the last weekend, I'm now (as usual) craving a bit of calm and quiet again. Back in the studio, my happy place, I spent yesterday afternoon putting everything back in order and mentally preparing for the next events.

Thanks so much to everyone who came to see us at this weekend, you are the reason I get to do what I do! I can't believe we sold out of dried bouquets, I will be making more in the next few days so keep an eye on stories!

Thanks to the lovely who is such a treasure to work with 💚

And thanks to the unstoppable Angela and Martina who organize this mega event with such patience and humor every time. I don't know how you do it but I'm really really glad that you do! Thank you! 💪💚

Next events:

Fuori Mercato
6 & 7 Maggio
10.00 / 20.00
San Paolo District
Via Alessandro Severo 48

Vintage Market
13 & 14 May
10.00 / 20.00
A Piazza Ragusa (ex Deposito ATAC)
Via Tuscolana 179

Just a few (but not all!) of the things you can find at my market stall this weekend! Yay I'm so excited!! 😍Come and fin...

Just a few (but not all!) of the things you can find at my market stall this weekend! Yay I'm so excited!! 😍

Come and find us at

Vintage Market
22 & 23 April
10.00 / 20.00
A Piazza Ragusa (ex Deposito ATAC)
Via Tuscolana 179

After a beautiful weekend at Vintage Market we woke up this morning to a dark sky and spring storm! Wind is blowing the ...

After a beautiful weekend at Vintage Market we woke up this morning to a dark sky and spring storm! Wind is blowing the last of the late winter blossom away, but I'm glad of the steady rain seeping into the soil. I accidently left a bunch of tulips in the garden last night without water, and I've just found them well hydrated and beautiful. They are now in a vase plonked on the kitchen cabinet waiting to be better arranged when I get home later!

What a fun weekend, I'm always so happy to be at , It's like meeting up with old friends, but at the same time also meeting new ones. Thank you so much if you came to see us! Thanks for all your help! 💚

As always extra special thanks to Angela and Martina , the two creative geniuses behind vintage market! 💚💚💚

This is a favourite bunch from this weekend, a bright and cheerful bouquet for a bright and cheerful lady 😍

More photos from this weekend later in stories!

Rust wreath, only one left! Today at All flowers are naturally dried, no artificial colours, and absolutely no bleached ...

Rust wreath, only one left! Today at

All flowers are naturally dried, no artificial colours, and absolutely no bleached ingredients here!

Vintage Market
25 & 26 March
10.00 / 20.00
A Piazza Ragusa (ex Deposito ATAC)
Via Tuscolana 179

Ciao sono Toni e sono una tulipano dipendente 🙋‍♀️Per sbaglio ho ordinato troppi tulipani e quindi ho deciso di metterli...

Ciao sono Toni e sono una tulipano dipendente 🙋‍♀️

Per sbaglio ho ordinato troppi tulipani e quindi ho deciso di metterli in offerta!

Sarà tulipanomania 🌷🌷🌷

Più tantissimo altri fiori primaverile, forse ho esageratao questo weekend 😅😍🌸

Hi I'm Toni and I'm a tulipaholic 🙋‍♀️

I accidentally ordered too many tulips so I've decided to have a tulip sale! It's going to be tulip mania 🌷🌷🌷

Plus so many other beautiful spring flowers, I might have gone just a tiny bit overboard this weekend 😅😍🌸

Come and find us at

Vintage Market
25 & 26 March
10.00 / 20.00
A Piazza Ragusa (ex Deposito ATAC)
Via Tuscolana 179

A favourite from this week, the Maya wreath, in two sizes. I started naming my wreaths because once they are packaged up...

A favourite from this week, the Maya wreath, in two sizes. I started naming my wreaths because once they are packaged up in boxes I can't see what's inside and I forget very quickly 😅

So I give them names and stick tags on the boxes to see what's where and how many I have of each. Maya is the name of my youngest niece who is now eleven! 😳

I'll share photos of my latest creation which I've called Rust just as soon as I take some good photos.

In other news all my carefully laid plans for making the most of this beautiful day have been thrown out the window. June was sick and kept us jumping up and down all night, 🤮 every twenty minutes until she was finally (empty) better and full of beans this morning. The cat saved himself and scarpered at the first sign of trouble. The mountain of washing is formidable. We are now zombies. June is happy.

If you've made it this far I hope you all have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine ☀️😊💚🌸

These wreaths and more will be available at my market stall this weekend at

A hint of what will be waiting for you this weekend at !Ci vediamo lì! 😍Vintage Market25 & 26 March10.00 / 20.00A Piazza...

A hint of what will be waiting for you this weekend at !

Ci vediamo lì! 😍

Vintage Market
25 & 26 March
10.00 / 20.00
A Piazza Ragusa (ex Deposito ATAC)
Via Tuscolana 179



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