Our friends from Quarks Interactive are preparing their revolutionary game Quantum Odyssey for launch on Steam and I cannot recommend it enough! 👏
Quantum Odyssey is a puzzle game with an intriguing story that fully immerses you into quantum circuit construction and algorithms. While the game is a lot of fun, especially for puzzle geeks out there, it also covers the scientific side behind quantum phenomena. One can gain advanced knowledge and understanding of quantum principles through play, with no prior knowledge in the field required!
For all my puzzle players out there, this is the game you do not want to miss - check Steam page and wishlist today!
Are you the One to solve the Puzzle of All Puzzles? Enter an award-winning adventure in the realm of Quantum Computing. Program hardware-ready algorithms, hack players, solve decision games, and unlock knowledge to convince Quantum-Enlightened Sages that you Master the Nature of Reality.