100 Reasons the DJ hates you.
1. The song you are requesting is being
2. You ask for a song that nobody will
dance to.
3. You tell the DJ she sucks just because she won't play your song.
4. The only songs you know are line
5. You want to hear every song by
Britney Spears and Lady Gaga.
6. You complain that no one likes the
song when the dance floor is full.
7. You think reserving a table turns the
DJ into your own jukebox.
8. You ask to sing on the microphone
like it's karaoke night.
9. You want to hear your song next or
your leaving.
10. You declare that you just got to the
club so the DJ should play all the hits
just for you.
11. Your sad face does not move the DJ
into feeling sorry for you and playing
your request.
12. You have no concept that the DJ
accepts tips.
13. You come to the booth and ask the
DJ if she is the DJ.
14. You ask the DJ if she plays any good
15. Your requests aren't any where near
the format the DJ plays.
16. You demand to hear your song
because you are about to leave.
17. When we say we dont play a genre,
you ask for more of that genre.
18. You keep asking what song is next.
19. You want to look at every song we
20. You don't dance to your request,
then ask for more.
21. You think the dance floor is a portrait
22. You make silly poses at the DJ like
you are DJing.
23. You are part of a bachelorette party.
24. You grab or touch equipment while
the DJ is playing.
25. You are so drunk you think the DJ
booth is the bar.
26. You stay buy the DJ booth hoping to
pick up women.
27. You keep trying to tell the DJ your
life story while we are mixing.
28. You think you know what everyone
wants to hear.
29. You ask for a song to be played
again 5 minutes after hearing it.
30. You say you know the owner/
manager in an attempt to get a song
31. You ask for the same song everytime you are there.
32. You take pictures of the DJ without
warning him of the flash.
33. Your so drunk you keep falling into
the DJ booth.
34. You spill a drink on the DJ
equipment. 😠
35. You ask that the volume be turned
36. You keep trying to get the DJ to
dance with you.
37. You tell the DJ what songs go
together that don't go together.
38. You stand by the DJ and stare
39. You think it's cool to just stand on
the dancefloor and text.
40. You have to talk louder than the
music by the DJ booth.
41. You think the DJ booth is a coat
42. You offer to tip but never do.
43. You run ladies off the dance floor.
44. You wear so much cologne/perfume
the DJ's eyes water.
45. You ask us to play songs off your
phone or download them.
46. You keep asking for a shout out all
night long.
47. You want us to play a song you
48. You act like the DJ is your girlfriend
when she is not.
49. You try to sing or hum the song you
want to hear.
50. Instead of asking for a song you stick a phone in our face to show us.
51. You don't know the song just the
number on the CD.
52. You get all of your friends to ask for
the same song that we won't play.
53. You interrupt the DJ to get her to
take your picture.
54. Your idea of good music isn't.
55. You think old school means 5 year
56. You ask when do we start to playing
something crunk.
57. When you hear a slow jam you think
it's a signal to hump women like a dog.
58. If it isn't hip hop you just call it
59. You keep asking for requests after
the club closes.
60. You know the DJ and text her
requests to get you in the door.
61. You know the DJ is working and you
call over and over expecting an answer.
62. You ask for a song and stay at the
booth until the DJ plays it.
63. You fart by the DJ booth.
64. You want something faster but are
requesting something slower.
65. You keep trying to fist bump and
high five the DJ.
66. You say the other DJ always plays
your song when there is no other DJ.
67. You act worse than a 5 year old in
the club.
68. You say you are spending a ton of
money and we should play your songs
69. You want an in-depth explanation on
how the equipment works.
70. Your requests are more like
71. You vomit in or around the DJ booth.
72. You tell the DJ how bad the song
playing is , then request an even worse
73. You ask the DJ to play something
with a beat.
74. You threaten to get the manager to
make you play a song.
75. Your song was played but you want
it again because you were in the
76. You think b***y shaking music is
just any hip hop song.
77. You make up a birthday so you can
hear you or your friends name on the
78. You give the DJ a napkin filled with
requests and no tip.
79. You complain that the DJ DID play
your song.
80. You hug and kiss the DJ and leave
with some other guy.
81. You think after a DJ plays your song
that he will play every song you want.
82. You ask for a song all night then you
leave in the middle of it.
83. You want people to move off the
floor so you can dance like a jackass.
84. You ask the DJ to hand out flyers to
another club.
85. You tell the DJ her job is becoming
obsolete because of ipods.
86. You tell the DJ that they quit making
vinyl and his job will vanish.
87. You say you have a huge group
there wanting a song when you only
have 3 people.
88. You tell the DJ that you DJ too, when
we ask where, you say your bedroom.
89. When you ask the DJ if she takes
requests, then you have no clue what
you want.
90. You run around the club telling
people you are the DJ.
91. You think knowing the DJ is sure to
get songs played for people you know.
92. You think dry hu***ng the DJ is
93. You keep asking if you can try and
94. You keep stomping on the floor just
to get attention.
95. You still think it's cool to use your
phone on the dance floor.
96. You spend more time updating your
status online than dancing.
97. You ask the DJ to play something
98. You ask the DJ to play something
you can dance to.
99. You throw up gang signs having no
idea what they mean.
100. You are way too drunk to try and
talk to us.