"The Scepter of Power"
The Scepter of Power act as the lightning rod that brings down the light from Kether beyond the veil and fuse's the energies of the Tree together into a mighty triad of Serverity, Mercy and that which reconciles between them. This quote comes from the Cicero's book, "The Magician's Craft, Creating Magical Tools.
The Scepter of Power that has been created by the Order of the Violet Lantern , and I will show you photos here, is a representation of the Middle Pillar, containing the Pomel of Earth, the Sephirah of Malkuth, the Sephirah of Yesod, the Sephirah of Tiphareth, the Non Sephirah of Daath, and the Crown represents Kether. The Crown is created of six points which is a connection to Tiphareth, and one central point in the middle of the Crown that relates directly to Kether, when one has a look at the Hexagram of the Sun, or a Tiphareth Talisman, you will see the two interweaving triangles and the sun in the centre it gives seven points, and the seventh point on the Crown is higher than the six around it, a direct connection to Kether, and the one point of union.
Another name for this Wand is the "Hierophant's Wand" this wand is the most important wand of the Outer Order, it can open and close the Temple of any grade in the Outer Order, and initiate’s bringing down the divine light from Kether.
The Hierophant holds the Wand by there Grade at the Tiphareth Band and orchestrates the Halls of the Lower Grades, the other parts of this wand that must be looked at are the Paths between each sephirah, they are the Path of Tav, Samech and Gimel. They all play a huge part in the Power of this Wand and to yield this Wand correctly takes a very Humble person that understands the GST. ( For all of those that get it, I'm sorry. But when you stop and think about it! well maybe that's where it stems from,) Now back to the serious stuff without laughing! The Hierophant is the Expounder of the Mysteries and there is a link here to the Hierophant Card as well in a number of ways, one of the many that fascinate me are the links of Osiris and the Bull/Taurus or Apis in the Egyptian Gods, this God is referred to as Serapis (Greek) or Asar-Hapi.
These are a few links to the Wand itself and the being holding the wand, there are many other levels that one can look at here and this has explained a few elements to the Wand of the Heirophant of the Order of the Violet Lantern .